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The twins were thriving and the doctors said we should be able to take them home next week. Jane was so excited and so was I but we really needed to figure out where we would stay once we brought them home. We could stay with the guys but it wouldn't work out long term because there's not much space. Dub already gave up his room for us and we didn't want to intrude anymore than we already had.

Out of all of us Ashleigh and Rook were the only two who had actually went inside after the attack. Ash had called a crime scene cleaning crew to come in to clean it and even they were shocked when Rook told them that Jane and the twins had survived. That's how bad it was.

Jane didn't want to talk about the house. Everytime I brought it up she would change the subject or dodge the question. So I knew the decision would have to fall on me. And I was choosing to move. Even though everything was cleaned up Rook said it was like you could still smell the iron in the air from all of the blood Jane lost. Ash had made the comment that you could still feel the negative energy from the attack. I couldn't imagine putting Jane through the horror of living there again. I hated even thinking about going back inside.

I just wanted to start over, make a fresh start. I could imagine us moving into a bigger place so that Casie and the twins could have their own play room. Jane could get a bigger kitchen so we could entertain parties like she always wanted. We would have a pool and the guys could have a bigger studio. And I would be happy because everyone else was happy. That's all I wanted was for all of us to go back to how we were before.

I had already put in a bid on another house that was closer to Casie's school. I just hadn't found the right time to tell Jane about it. As bad as I wanted to bring it up now I knew I couldn't. I couldn't keep trying to downplay this like the whole situation didn't affect me but for now I would have to keep my mouth shut. Our visit with the twins was almost over and I didn't want to ruin it.

"Colson, did you hear what I said?" Jane asked as she held Levi to her chest.

"Sorry, I was just thinking. What did you say?" As I cradled Lyra.

"I said maybe we should stop by Baby By By to get the twins a coming home outfit. I know they already have a lot of clothes but nothing we have fits them."

"True, we can stop before we go home."

We said our good byes to the twins and their nurses and we walked to the elevator and waited for it to come.


We were in high spirits and couldn't wait to get home to tell everyone that the twins would be home in a few days. I was also excited that I would get to pick up some new clothes for them before we got home. I thought about get them something cute that matched. As Colson and I made it to the exit we were stopped by a woman with her son. It kinda startled me a bit and our security quickly stepped in and blocked the woman. She looked familiar but I wasn't sure where I knew her from.

"Hi, I know you guys probably don't remember me but I was Dr. Martin's neighbor." She said trying to jog our memories.

Colson just kinda of blindly stared at her, so I spoke up.

"Oh, yeah. I remember you now. It's ok guys. I know her." I said.

Security moved a bit but remained by our sides as a precaution.

"Good, I was really hoping we could talk. If that's ok. Its kind of important." She said.

Colson still just looked at her all crazy. I furrowed my brow at him and again I spoke up.

"Sure, um, let's have a seat over there." I said pointing to a quiet area not far from the door.

Our security asked to search her and checked to make sure she had no weapons before we were allowed to sit down. Colson and I each took a seat on one side of the table and she and her son sat on the other side.

"Ok, so what is this about?" I asked as my curiosity grew.

Before she could start talking Colson finally spoke up.

"Is that my son?" He blurted out.

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