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"Please Colson just stop fucking talking!" Slim yelled

"I mean he can't be serious right now. Can he?" Dub asked

"Guys I know I fucked up but you gotta hear me out first."

"You beyond fucked up dude!" Dre yelled

"I can't believe this shit! So you tellin me you got some hoe pregnant while you was runnin around on drugs and Jane, YOUR WIFE, was at home taking care of your child cause you was too high to even care. Cause thats what it sounds like your saying right now!" Slim spat

"I was in a real bad place. I barely even remember her." I spat

"Well you gotta go back up to the house and tell Jane right now. You've kept this from her long enough." Dub replied

"I...I can't."I stuttered

"What the fuck you mean you can't tell her? That thot might make good on her threat. And if she doesn't tell Jane she can do way worse and put that shit out to the media. What is your problem? This whole thing could destroy you if it gets out!" Slim yelled

"He's right. You gotta tell her like right now. Just think of the damage this could do if someone else tells her before you do. If your that scared we can go with you. I can take Casie out of the house tonight and Slim and Dub can go up to the house with you." Dre suggested

"No I couldn't do that. If you guys are there I just know she will be so humiliated. On top of that we have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I just wish she would let me wait til Jane gives birth. You know what? Maybe I don't even have to tell her at all. I mean I can probably just pay this bitch off and then she will just go away and Jane never has to know anything." I replied

I barely got the last sentence out and before I knew it Slim's fist had connected with my jawline. I stumbled back a little and was totally thrown off by his reaction. Dre and Dub raced to get in between us.

"What the fuck dude!" I yelled

"Jane is your fucking wife man! You can't just keep something like this from her. That woman has been through so much shit for you and even after all that unnecessary bullshit you put her through she still stayed with your ass! Then you have the balls to sit here and say you would keep this shit from her! So you would just go to the grave keeping a secret like this from your wife? I hope when she finds out that she leaves your ass for good this time! You don't fucking deserve her!" Slim yelled

Maybe he's right. Maybe I don't deserve her.


I was really nervous. I was worried about what the doctor would say and I just want everything to be ok. Everything is finally going right for us. Colson and I are in a really good place right now and we want this baby more than anything. My nerves were even worse right now because Colson would be late to the appointment. Casie had something at school and he wanted to make sure that he could be there for her. He would only be about 10 minutes late so he probably wouldn't miss the ultrasound which was the most important part to us.

The doctor just left the room and told me that an ultrasound tech would be in to get a few images and then she would be right back. I took out my phone to text Colson. I really hope he isn't going to miss this. The door opened and now the tech was here. Damnit!

"Hi, I'm your ultrasound tech. Don't mind the mask. I'm just getting over a cold and I want to make sure I'm extra careful just to be sure its not anything catching." She said

"I completely understand." I said

She put jelly on my stomach and began moving the doppler around my stomach.

"So will the baby's father be joining us?" She questioned

"Well he's supposted to be on his way now so hopefully he won't miss too much." I said

"It must be nice to have him in your child's life. I never had that." She stated.

"I'm sorry to hear that. My husband is a great father to our daughter so I have no worries when it comes to this one." I said

"So what are you guys hoping for?" She asked

"A boy, he's always wanted a son." I replied

After I said that I noticed her eyebrow raised.

"Whats wrong?! Is everything ok?!" I asked

"No, its not." She said dryly

"What's wrong with my baby?!" I asked as I sat up to look at the monitor.

"Your baby is dead." She said not showing any emotion.

"No! That can't be! It was so active this morning. Check again!" I half yelled

"I'll get the doctor." She replied as she ran out the door.

No! This can't be happening. My baby is dead! My baby is dead!

 All We Have (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now