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Damn, I must of fallen asleep in Casie's room while I was watching How to Get Away With Murder. I hope Colson is gone or else I'll have to use what I've learned from previous episodes. I'm kidding of course, I just don't want to deal with him.

I cautiously walked downstairs and looked around for him and to my surprise he was gone. I was just about to go check the bedroom to be sure when the door bell rang. I went to open it and there was a delivery guy from UberEATS. One of the guys must of ordered something and he was coming to the main house by mistake.

"Delivery for Baker." He said handing me a bag.

"Um hold on let me get my purse."

"No need, its already been paid for tip included." He said with smile.

"Well ok. Thanks." I said before shutting the door.

As I carried the bag into the kitchen I got a texted.

Hubby: Ordered you some soup. It should be there soon. Please eat it.

I can't stand him right now but I'm still finna eat this soup. It was my favorite soup from this deli Colson introduced me to when I first started living here. It was like I was starving to death. These babies were starting to kick my ass. I put the soup down and went to get some crackers and noticed a note on the cabinet door.

"I moved everything down so you don't hurt yourself.

Love Colson."

Seriously he was laying it on a thick now, trying to get all the brownie points that he could. He knows I'm a sucker for the sweet and thoughtful shit like this. He's just trying to get back in good graces with me, but little does he know it's not gonna work. I'm one tough nut to crack. It was going to take more than a few sweet gestures to get me back, but I'm sure he already knows that.


I walked into the building and spotted Gina who was already there. I took a seat across from her and looked around the area.

"Where's Alex?" I questioned

"He's with my sister in law."

"Why didn't you bring him? That's the only reason I wanted to meet with you." I half lied.

"He's sick. I'll bring him next time."

"You shoud've told me that when I asked you to bring him. We could've rescheduled." I spat.

"It slipped my mind. You'll get to see him real soon, I promise. So did you leave your wife yet?"

Wow! That's the first thing out her mouth. Like who says that. Our son's sick and she didn't even tell me how he was doing. It seemed like me leaving Jane was the only thing she cared about.

"What the fuck!? No, I didn't leave my wife but after all that shit you pulled she's talked about leaving me." I spat

"Oh calm down. It wasn't even that serious. When she does leave you, you'll have me and Alex. You can take Casie and then we can be one big happy family."

"Not that serious!? You told my wife that our child was dead! And what do you mean when she does? She's not leaving me. This whole thing is just a minor set back. Me and Jane have been through worse than this. We will work things out, trust me on that."

"Whatever. Anyways if you wanna see Alex I can take you over to my brother's right now and you can meet him." She said cheerfully.

"Nah not today, you've really pissed me off. You should've just brought him with you. Since I got you here now I have a few things I need you to look over." I said handing her the paperwork.

As she looked it over, I watched as her eyes widened. Next thing I knew she was freaking out.

"What the hell is this!?" She questioned

"I hope you didn't think I was just gonna start paying child support. We need to get a blood test before any of this goes any further. And then if he is my son then we need to talk about visitation and custody agreements." I shot back

"Are you serious right now? He is your son Colson. How can you even sit here and deny it!? And child support, visitation and custody? We don't need to do any of that. After you and Jane divorce we can be together and we won't have to worry about any of that."

"You can't be serious right now? I haven't even seen the kid in person. All you've shown me is a few pictures. I can't even really tell if he looks any thing like me. You wouldn't be the first to try and trap a celebrity into paying for a child that isn't his. Get real, that's the oldest trick in the book. As far as my marriage, Jane and I are still on good terms and we aren't even talking about divorce. We're going to counseling soon." I bluffed

"Colson this is ridiculous! Come on now. You were married then and that didn't stop you from making love to me and helping me create our beautiful son now did it! So you mean to tell me that night we spent together meant nothing to you?"

"Of course not! If I wasn't high as hell I wouldn't have even touched you. Shit, I don't even really remember it. I hate to break it to you sweet heart but your nothing more than just another notch in my belt.  Hit me up when your ready to do that blood test. Until then, we don't have shit to talk about." I said as I got up from the table.

"Oh and another thing if you ever come near my wife or my children again I'm having you arrested." I said before I walked off.

She may have thought she was gonna play me but I had other plans. She was gonna have to find out the hard way. I was sending her a message. I was shooting back.  Don't fuck with the Young Gunner!

 All We Have (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now