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"Well that was insane. What are the odds of that?" Colson said

"I was definitely not expecting that outcome. So what are we gonna do now?"

"I'm going to pick up Casie and then we're going to go home and see if anyone wants to take him." He said

"What?! Did we just hear the same story or?" I questioned

"Look that's really unfortunate but we don't need a dog." He spat

Before I could say anything Casie was climbing into the car.

"Gunner! Your still here!" She cheered.

"Not for long." Colson said

"Oh, you found his owner?" She asked

"No, we didn't. We could keep him ,but your dad doesn't want a dog!" I spat

"No, we can't handle a dog right now. Your pregnant and considered high risk. Neither of us can be home all the time to take care of him. Therefore, we don't need a dog." He shot back

"Oh come on Colson. He's not a puppy! He's house broken and doesn't get in the way. Plus we can always board him or we can take him with us sometimes. I mean when I first started doing make up I had a dog and she traveled with me. Its really not as big of a deal as your making it. Celebrities do it all the time."

"We're not keeping him!"

"Why not? Mom said we could." Casie pouted

"Obviously, your dad hates dogs." I said as the car came to a stop in our drive way.

"I don't hate dogs!" Colson said as we walked through the door.

"Then whats the problem?"

"I'm not about to get into this with yall." He said sternly

"Whatever dad!" Casie said rolling her eyes.

"Ok, since yall wanna gang up on me I'll tell you!" He asked said

We all took a seat on the couch and even Gunner took a seat in front of us.

"When I was a kid I had this dog, Bandit. Bandit was like my best friend. He was there for me when my parents split up and everything. Me being an only child I heavily relied on Bandit for companionship.  I loved him. One day Bandit and I were playing catch. I threw the ball too far and Bandit ran out in the road, a car came out of no where and hit him. For 3 hours I watched as he suffered from his injuries. He died in my arms. It was from that day forward that I swore that I was never getting a dog again!" He said

"That's a really sad story daddy." Casie said coming over to hug him."and I'm sorry for what I said this morning. I love you."

"I love you too." He said


"That's a sad story and everything Colson but look at him. He has no one else. We are the only family he has now and he chose us. I believe everything happens for a reason." Jane stated.

Now they were all giving me puppy dog eyes, even the damn dog. I guess I should stop being such a hard ass. I mean I liked dogs.

"Ok." I said

"So we can keep him?" Casie asked

"Yeah I guess." I said trying not to sound excited

"Omg! Thanks daddy." She said throwing her arms around me

"Well we have to go shopping!" Jane gushed

"Can we go now?" Casie cheered

"Race you to the car!" She said

"You two go without me. I'm just gonna hang back here." I said

"You sure?" Jane asked

"Yeah, have fun."I said

"Well ok then. Come on Gunner!" She called

After they left I went into the bedroom and searched through the closet til I found my stash. It's not what you think. Its just weed and I don't smoke that often anymore. I just need it sometimes to relax me. And before you ask, no Jane doesn't know. I don't want her to think that I'm gonna relapse just cause I started smoking again.

I know I should tell her. Now it was just another secret I was keeping from her. After Jane and I got back from New York I really wanted to tell her about what happened before she left. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I was scared of what she might say or do once I told her. Everything was going so well now and I really didn't want to ruin it.

Damn it's always something. And it was always something on my behalf. I know I'm going to have to tell her. I didn't want her to find out any other way. I just hope that she will understand. I was really in my head right now.

I just received a text. I looked at my found and recognized the number instantly. And just like that my high was blown.

937-352-5014: we really need to set up a meeting.

Me: I need more time.

937-352-5014: it's been almost 3 weeks. How much more time do you need?

Me: This is a very delicate situation here. I can't just spring some shit like that on my pregnant wife!

937-352-5014: Well if you don't tell her I will!

Me: Don't fucking threaten me! Just give me more time.

937-352-5014: While your taking your time your son is missing out on being apart of your life just remember that!

With that I threw my phone across the room and shattered the screen. Man I've really fucked up this time.

 All We Have (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now