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It was so good to be back home. Everything at the lab had been taken care of and Aubrey and I both made sure that we had back up options just in case something else happend. Colson got his feature done and we made it home just in time for the big snow storm.

"I think we have plenty of wood out back just in case we need it." Colson said as he placed a few pieces onto the wood rack by the fireplace.

"I haven't seen a snow storm since like 2012. Back when I was in Nashville. Does it really get that bad up here?" I asked

"Sometimes but up North we're usually prepared for it. Slim should be back soon with the groceries so we don't strave to death." He chuckled

Shortly after the door opened and in walked Casie and Slim carrying bags.

"Looks like you guys bought out the store." I laughed taking a few bags.

"Well we got what we could. It looks like we might be snowed in for a few days." Slim said

"Yeah the radio said my school was closed tomorrow!" Casie said gleefully

"Snow day, awesome!" Colson cheered

I just laughed at the sight of them doing their snow dance around the kitchen. They were so much a like. It got me wondering the life I was carrying in my womb. Who would they be more like? What would they look like? I pray everyday that I can go to full term and that nothing bad happens. I'm considered high risk and anything could happen. Colson and I wanted this so badly. After my last pregnancy I've just been so scared that this won't make it either. My thoughts were soon interrupted by Colson. He came up behind me and wrapped his hands around my stomach.

"Whatcha thinkin about?" He asked

"Nothing really. Just thinking about our growing family." I responded

"I hope you're not worrying yourself. Everything is going to be good. The next appointment is in a few weeks. I'm sure we have nothing to worry about." He said trying to reassure me.

I removed his hands and turned around to embrace him. He started kissing my neck.

"Stop that!" I said playfully

"I don't wanna stop." He said as he continued to assault my neck.

"I gotta cook dinner. Now go, leave me alone." I giggled as I fought him off.

"Fine, but you don't know what your missing." He said existing the kitchen.


After dinner we decided to have a family movie night. We all went and got into our pj's and came back down stairs. Casie was looking through movies and Jane was in the kitchen cleaning up while I was in the living room making a palette on the floor.

"I think I wanna watch this one." Casie said holding up The Purge: Election Year

"Are you sure you wanna watch that one? It looks kinda scary." I stated.

"Oh come on dad. I'm not a baby and besides we can always watch this one after." She said showing me Finding Dory

"Ok, you got me. We can watch it." I caved

"Mom, we're ready." Casie called out to Jane.

"Ok, so what we watchin?" She asked.

"The Purge: Election Year."I stated

"Seriously Colson?"

"Her choice not mine." I said with my hands in the air.

Casie popped the movie in and then came back to lay in between Jane and I. About an hour and 15 minutes into the movie. I heard a scratching sound. At first I thought it was just my imagination until Jane said something.

"Cole, did you hear that?" She asked

"Yeah." I said pausing the movie.

Now we were all sitting there in silence waiting to hear it again. We waited like 5 minutes and then we heard it again. It was coming from the front door.

"Daddy, I'm scared. What is that?" Casie asked clinging to me.

"It's ok Case, I'm gonna go check it out." I said jumping up

"Are you serious! Don't go check it out!"

I went into our bedroom and grabbed our gun. Jane hated that I had it. She said guns scared her but it made me feel better by having. Like the old saying goes; it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.


"What? Did you really thing I would open the door without it? Take Casie into the bedroom and lock the door and don't come out until I say so."

Jane took Casie and I heard the door shut and lock. I slowly approached the door. I could still hear the scratching. I cut on the porch light but couldn't see anything.

"Whose there?" No answer."I have a gun." The scratching just continued.

 All We Have (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now