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I laid there til I couldn't any longer. I checked my phone to see what time it was. It was still kinda early but I wasn't gonna get any sleep anyways. So I got up and walked over to the window and peared out the blinds. It was raining. I stood there for what seemed like ages before I headed to the kitchen and searched for the ingredients that I would need to make breakfast. I was making chocolate chip pancakes.

I recalled the moment in the elevator when Hailey told me how chocolate chip pancakes cheered Jane up on rainy days. I'll admit I haven't been the best husband. I often forgot the minor details that really made our relationship.

"Good morning daddy." Casie said as she took a seat at the table.

"Good morning Case. I made chocolate chip pancakes." I said placing some on her plate.

"Really? These are mom's favorite. You hardly ever make these." She gushed.

"I know. I gonna go take her some while you eat." I said placing a kiss on her forehead.

I graceful walked over my friends as I carried the tray that had Jane's breakfast on it. I entered the room and closed the door back behind me. I placed the tray on her night stand and I opened the blinds to let what little light that the outside provided into the room.

"Wake up J. I made you breakfast." I said softly as I rubbed her back. She stirred a little and then slowly stay up.

"Oh, you didn't have to." She said as she rubbed her eyes.

"I know but it's the least I could do."

I watched as she took a few bites. I was happy she was eating. I turned to walk for the door when she said,"You never told me you went to see her."

I turned back around to face her and slowly approached the bed. I took a seat on the bed.

"I was going to tell you yesterday but Casie came in and I didn't wanna say anything after you invited me to stay."

"Well you still should've told me. She's obviously unstable Colson."

"I know that now." I said as I tucked one of her loose curls behind her ear.

She flinched a little from my touch and I could tell that I made her uncomfortable. I caught a glimpse of her stomach moving. One of the babies were kicking.

"Can I feel?" I asked

She moved the tray and allowed me to feel as the twins moved and kicked.

"Their so active." I smiled

"Yeah, they tend to do that when they hear your voice." She confessed.

"Really?" I questioned

"Yeah, I let them listen to your music and they seem to really like it." She said as she rubbed her stomach.

"They have great taste." I chuckled.

"Have you thought of any names?" I asked

"Yeah I have a few but I don't know what the gender is yet."

"They couldn't tell you at your last visit?"

"I didn't wanna know. I didn't want to find out without you." She sighed

There she goes again. Putting my feelings ahead of her own. She could've found out and told me after the fact but she wanted me to be there to witness it for myself.

"Can I hear the names you have so far?"

"Well if its girls, I like Faith and Grace. If it's boys, Easton and Weston."

"Easton and Weston? Hell no, do you want our kids to get picked on." I chuckled

"No I don't. I think those are cute names." She said in between bites.

"Yeah and cute gets you beat up. My name is Colson. Trust me I know."

"Whatever and what would you name them then?"

"I like Rebel and Rogue if its girls and  Blade and Jagger if its boys."

"You cannot be serious! I would never allow you to even so much as utter the name Jagger or Rebel. Blade is decent but Jagger. Nope not gonna happen."

"Oh come on Jagger is badass, admit it."

"Now I'm scared to even let you pick the middle names."

"Why do they even need middle names? I don't have one."

"Well I have one and I want them to have one too. And what about if its a boy and girl?" She asked.

"I don't know thats kinda tough."

"What about Parker and Harper?" She asked


"Alisa and Asher?"


"Preston and Peyton?"

"Oh come on. Are you even trying?" I chuckled.

"Shut up! I'm not even gonna say these cause I know you'll hate them too."

"Just tell me anyways."

"Levi and Lyra."

"I actually like those."

"That's a shocker." She chuckled

For a moment things were back to normal. I had my family back and Jane wasn't repulsed at the sight of me. We ended up sharing a small kiss before she pulled away me.

"I'm so stupid. I'm sorry." I sighed

She didn't respond so I left the room to give her space. I don't know what came over me. I guess it was just the heat of the moment. In that moment it just felt right but I was wrong. The only way this was gonna work out this time is if I didn't put too much pressure on her. As bad as I wanted her right now, I had to respect the boundaries Jane had placed on our relationship. I didn't wanna fuck this up.


I was pregnant now with our miracle babies but I'm high risk and anything could've happen to them. Colson doesn't understand. This has completely changed the way I look at him. He's my husband and I love him but this isn't easy for me. None of this is easy for me.

My husband had fathered a child with another woman while I was sitting at home not knowing if he was dead or alive. I wish that I could say that I could just put this behind us but with Gina terrorizing our family I couldn't. At this point I was we couldn't put anything passed her. That bitch completely destroyed my jeep! She was so close to our family that she could've done anything to us.

I couldn't help but wonder if she wasn't trying to do something to Casie. I mean she was outside of her bedroom window calling her name. If she had done something to her I would've completely lost it. I couldn't let anything  else happen to my family. I made the decision to call Aubrey. He knows exactly how important my family is to me and I knew that he could help me make sure that they were protected.

 All We Have (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now