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At this point I was literally freaking out. This bitch was fucking crazy! She had touched my wife and sent her into a state of panic all to make a point. Now I wanted to put my hands on this bitch for scaring Jane like that. But now the only thing I could do is fold. She had me in her back pocket and now I had no choice but to tell Jane. I took out my phone and called Ashleigh. Maybe there was some other way around this. Maybe Ash knew of a way that I could stall or buy myself some more time. I know that she would know exactly what I needed to do. 30 minutes later she walked in with Casie in tow.

"Where's mom? I wanna see how the baby's doing. I drew a picture for them in art class today." Casie cheered

"That's great but mom is laying down right now. She's really tired. I think you should go down to unlce Slim's for a little bit and when she wakes up we will come down to get you." I said

"Ok." She said as she skipped out the back door

I then led Ash upstairs to the study so that Jane wouldn't hear our conversation.

"Kells, what's going on? You sounded really shook on the phone." She said breaking the silence

"I need your help. I fucked up."

"Ok what did you do this time? Like define fucked up. Give it to me straight." She spat

"I got some bitch pregnant and.." before I could finish I felt a sting across my face.

"Damnit Ashleigh! Why does everyone keep fucking hitting me!"

"Because your fucking stupid! Your a total fucking idiot. How the hell could you do this to her!?" She half yelled.

"Keep your fucking voice down and let me explain. Shit!" I said out of frustration.

"I'm listening and don't leave anything out. I need to know everything."

"This wasn't recently. It happened when Jane and I were separated. Like before I reached out to my mom and went to rehab." I responded

"Well who is she?" She asked

"Her name is Gina Cervantes. I think I met her at a bar or something and we had a one night stand." I replied

"And your just now finding out she had your kid?" She questioned

"Yeah she contacted me a few weeks ago. She pretended to be someone from a publishing company. She said she wanted to discuss the possibility of me writing a book about my life. However, when I got there she confessed to making the whole thing up in order to get me there. Then she told me about the kid."I stated

"How did she get your number?" She asked

"I don't know. I must of given it to her. I don't remember. I don't really remember anything from that period of time. I was always high or drunk."

"Ok so why did she wait til now to tell you? The kids gotta be almost 2 by now. How do you even know if she's telling the truth or not?" She stated

"She said that at the time she was on again and off again with her ex and they found out he wasn't the father after he got sick. They wanted to test the baby to see if he would have the same disease and the test revealed he wasn't his father. She said I was the only other person she was with." I replied

"And you believe her?" She asked

"I don't know what the fuck to believe. I just know that she threatened to tell Jane if I didn't. I thought she was just bluffing but then today at the hospital she snuck into Janes doctor's office and pretended to be an ultrasound tech." I explained

"What the fuck!?" She said completely shocked

"No, it gets worse. She then proceeded to give Jane an ultrasound and told her our baby died. When Jane started freaking out she left the room. They had to put the hospital on lock down and everything. They never found her." I said

"Are you serious right now? Jesus, Colson what kind of crazy bitch did you just bring into our lives?" She questioned

"That's why you gotta help me. You gotta help me make this bitch go away. Do you know any people that could help me get rid of her? Do think if I just pay her off this whole thing will go away? Jane can't find out about this or she's gonna leave me. She's gonna take my kids and leave me! Please Ashleigh you gotta help me! Please!" I sobbed falling onto my hands and knees as I begged her for a solution.

Ashleigh walked over to me and took my face into her hands. The tears were still flowing down my face. She did her best to wipe them away but it didn't help because they just kept coming. I hung my head in shame. What have I gotten myself into?

"Colson, look at me. You have to tell Jane the truth. This woman is dangerous. Your family could be in danger. If Jane leaves you then you just have to face the consequences. Either way you have to tell her and you need to tell her today. No more putting it off. She needs to know about this." She said softly

As much as I hated to admit it Ashleigh was right. I could no longer keep this from Jane. It was bad enough that I kept this secret from her for this long. I don't know how she will react when I break the news and right now that was no longer important. The only thing that mattered is that I kept her and my children safe.

 All We Have (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now