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"Yeah I just picked it up." Ash said on the other end of the phone.

"Perfect!" I cheered.

We were getting all of the final touches ready for Colson's surprise party. He's turning 27 and with everything that's happened we really wanted to get everything back to normal.

"Hey baby what's going on?" Colson asked

"Oh nothing just looking over a few things for the perfume line." I lied

"Please tell me your not going to be working all day. I wanna take my two favorite girls out to the movies for my birthday." He said

"Of course not! I just gotta send this out and then, done." I said

"Awesome!" He said sounding stoked.

A few hours later it was time for us to make our way to the restaurant and ai had a plan I knew would work.

"Colson, can you please stop at Vault? I want some fries for the movie!" I squeezed.

"Seriously Jane? Can't we just get some at like McDonald's or something?" I he asked.

"Eww! No, you know I hate McDonald's and I already placed my order online. So we don't have to wait. Please Colson!" I pleaded

"How can I say no when you look at me like that?" He chuckled.

"Thanks baby." I cheered.

I texted Slim to tell him we were about to pull into the parking lot. Colson got out and Casie and I let him walk in a head of us and then we got out of the car and followed. As soon as the doors flew open Colson was greeted by all of our closest friends and family.


"Happy Birthday Colson!"

"Wow! Seriously!" He beamed

"It was all Jane's idea." Ashleigh said.

"Aw! Thanks baby!" He said pulling me into a hug.

"Your welcome!" I cheered with pride

"Wait is that my mom!?" He said, "Casie look its your Nana!" He said.

Colson was on cloud nine. He was so excited. I just let him do his own thing and watched as he mixed and mingled with his guest. I saw the table with all of Colson's gifts and I realized I had forgotten to get the card with the twins sonogram in it. I thought it would be a great time to spring the twins and their gender on all of Colson's guest. We talked about doing it but we hadn't planned when we wanted to do it.

"Hey Ash, I have to run back home and get the card I got for Colson." I said.

"Are you sure? I can go get it. Just tell me where it is." She replied

"No, I'll get it. I'll be right back!" I said


The night was in full swing and I was enjoying all the time I was getting to spend with my family and friends. I can't believe Jane pulled all of this off without me finding out. I mean even my mom was here. This was insane.

"I'm so glad to see you Colson." My mom said embracing me.

"I know. I'm sorry we haven't made it out to see you."I said

"Its ok. With everything you guys had going on its totally understandable." She said

"Im just glad its over with it." I confessed.

"Oh yeah by the way. I had done some of my own digging and found out a lot of very troubling things about Gina." She stated.

I asked her to elaborate and she continued to tell me everything that she had found out. It was some pretty insane stuff. I'm just really glad that they had finally caught her and now she was out of our lives.

"Hey where's Jane we're ready for you to cut the cake." Dub said

"I don't know I haven't seen her since we first got here." I confessed

I started to search the crowd for my wife but was unable to locate her. This was odd. Where could she have gone?

"Hey Ash, have you seen Jane." I asked

"Wait she's not back yet?" Ashleigh questioned

"Back? Where did she go?" I asked

"She said she left a card she got you at home and she needed to go back to get it. But that was almost an hour ago." She stated.

I called her twice and she didn't answer. It shouldn't have taken Jane that long to come back. I was starting to panic.

"Maybe she forgot where she put it and its taken her longer to find it than she thought." Ash suggested

"No, this Jane we're talking about here. She never loses anything. Something is wrong. I'm going to the house to check on her!" I said told Ash.

I pushed past my guest and ran to the car.
Janes been gone for almost an hour? There's no way. The restaurant is only 20 minutes from the house. This wasn't looking good. Something was wrong. I could feel it. What if she got sick or what if something happened with the babies?

 All We Have (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now