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"Thanks for letting me stay here." I said

"Don't mention it. I'm really sorry about all of this. Had I known sooner I would've made Colson tell you as soon as he found out. You must think I'm a shitty friend." Ashleigh said

"No, its not your fault. I just can't believe this is happening right now." I said as I rubbed my stomach.

"I know. Colson never wanted to break it to you this way but he had to. I mean that girl is crazy. She could've hurt you."

"Don't remind me. I think I'm just going to go lay down. I'm not feeling very well."

"Do you need anything?"

"You've already fed me so I think you've done enough." I tried to crack a smile.

"Ok well goodnight."


The next morning I woke up to about 16 text messages and 30 missed calls and 10 voicemails. All of them from Colson.

Hubby: I made a mistake. You have to understand all this happened while I was strung out and we were separated.

Hubby: I know thats no excuse but thats what happened. You've got to believe me.

Hubby: I know I'm fucked up, and everything is a mess but don't hold that against me. I can make this right!

Hubby: Please don't do this to me. Don't do this to our family. Don't  leave me!!!

Hubby:I love you so much.

Hubby: I miss you. Can you please come back home so we can sort this out?

Hubby: I can't live without you. If you leave me I'll die. I can't imagine living my life without you.

Hubby: I'll do anything. We can even go back to Dr.Hartman.

Hubby: Can you at least text me back so I'll know your ok?

Hubby: I don't want to lose you.

Hubby: Just come back home. Please!

Hubby: Jane answer the fucking phone!

Hubby: I know your at Ashleigh's. I had Dre track your phone. I'm coming to get you.

Hubby: Ashleigh wouldn't let me in. Could you at least just come to the door and talk to me?

Hubby: Look just come back home. I'll leave. I just want you and the twins to be comfortable. I promise I'll be gone before you get here.

Hubby: Ok, I'm gonna go stay with the guys. So, if you need me just call.

Wow! And if you think the texts were bad then you should've heard the voicemails. You could tell that he had been drinking. I really hope that he wasn't using again. Ashleigh told me Colson was completely plastered when he showed up last night and she had to call the guys to come get him. Dub told her that they were going to make him stay with them for awhile. So I was good to go back to the house.

I'm not even sure that I want to. But I know that I have to. Casie was there and I know she would question why I wasn't there. I had no choice but to go back.


My head was killing me. I feel like I've been ran over by an 18 wheeler. I looked around the room and realized I wasn't in my bed. I must of stayed with the guys after Jane walked out on me. The thought of Jane sent me into a panic. I quickly felt around for my phone and dropped it on the floor. Right now I was thanking God for blessing me with long arms as I reached down on the floor for it.

I checked the time and saw that I had a texted. I opened it and it was from Ashleigh.

Ashleigh: Jane is on her way home. You better keep your word and stay away from the house. I mean it Colson!

I completely disregarded the message and hopped out of bed like I wasn't hungover. I walked out and almost made it out the door before I got caught.

"Where the hell do you think your going?" Slim integrated

"I was just gonna.."

"Save it!" He yelled

"Damnit Brandon! My head is killing me." I said as I grabbed my head

"Thats not all that's going to be killing you if you even think about walking out that door. I know what your doing." He replied

"I just want to apologies again and make sure she's ok and then I'll leave."

"She's ok."

"You talked to her?" I questioned

"No, Dub told me. He went up to check on her before he took Casie to school."

"So I can't go back up to my own house?"

"No, don't you remember? You told Jane you would stay here with us so that she could stay at the main house."

"I was drunk. I didn't know what I was saying. I just wanted her to come back home."

"Well she's back home but she needs her space. You owe her that."

It was like I didn't hear anything Slim just said. I ran for the door and threw it open. Before I could make it out Slim pulled me back in and we began to fight in the floor.

"What the fuck dude!" Dre yelled as he got in between us and pulled us apart.

"What did you do that for!?" I yelled

"I fucking told you! Your so fucking hard headed!" He yelled

I tried to charge at him and Dre hemmed me up. Dub walked in just as it was all happening.

"What in the hell?" He asked

"He tried to make a break for it and I stopped him!" Slim said

"I'm not a fucking child Dre. Let me go!"

"Could've fooled me." He said as he let me go.

"I just want to see my wife! Is that so wrong!?" I asked

"Yeah!" They all said in unison.

"She's really upset and she just needs her space right now." Dre replied

"I just want to make this right."

"Look bruh, there ain't shit you can do right now to make this situation better. Leave it alone." Slim said

"If I could just have a face to face then I know I could make this right." I said

"The last thing she wants to do is see you right now. When I saw her she was so close to pullin a Left Eye. I swear she was gone fuck all yo shit up." Dub replied.

"So if I was you I would leave her alone. Especially if you ever want her to give you another chance." He stated

I just put my head in my hands. I cursed and screamed. "How am I supposed to check on her? Make sure she's ok? I want to be there for her check ups."

"We know this isn't easy and we're going through this shit with you dog. We will figure something out and we will get through this."Slim assured me.


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