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I woke up to Casie yelling,"Mom! We're here! We're here!"

"What? Already?" I questioned

"Yep we're almost to the house." Ben stated

"What!? That's like an 8 hour drive."

"More like 5 if you drive real fast." He chuckled

"I can't believe I slept the whole way. How much further is the house?"

"GPS says its about 5 minutes."

"How close is it to downtown?" Casie asked.

"Like a 10 minute walk."

"Awesome! I can't wait!" Casie cheered

"Whoa hold your horses ladies. I hate to break it to you but we probably won't be doing downtown." Ben announced 

"Why not!?" I said.

"Because it isn't safe. We would need at least 2 other guards to go with us."


"We will be just fine. Without Colson we will blend right in and no one will even notice us." I protested

"Yeah no one will notice you but that nut job Gina will make it her business to notice you. I don't care what either of you say. It isn't safe and we're not doing it." Ben said putting his foot down.

"Ok fine. I'm really sorry Casie."

"Its ok I guess."

We finally pulled up to the condo. Ben made us stay in the car until he went in and made sure everything was safe and secure. Once everything checked out Ben let us go in while he got our bags. My friend Shannon was nice enough to letting us stay while she was out of town for the week. The condo over looked downtown giving us a beautiful view of the city.

"Here's your stuff." Ben said wheeling my suite case into my room.

"Thanks." I said dryly.

I was still kinda mad about not getting to go into downtown. I had a lot of friends I wanted to visit that worked there and now I unfortunately wouldn't get to see any of them.

I called Colson but it went to voicemail. He was probably still on his flight. So I just left a voicemail letting him know we made it safely.

After my shower I walked into the living room to see Ben watching tv. I took a seat on the couch and looked through the takeout menus on the table. Shannon never cooked so she had menus for every place within a 10 mile radius and all of them delivered.

"I know you and Casie we're really looking forward to going downtown but trust me its a bad idea." Ben said as he inched closely to me.

"Its ok Ben. We will just find something else to do. I'm about to order Chinese. Do you want anything?" I asked as I got up to go get my phone.

Over the past few days so far I have taken Casie to the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, Adventure Science Center, Frist Center for the Visual Arts, and The Johnny Cash Museum. Today I was taking her to the Natchez Trace Parkway. We were going on a nature hike and then would later go to the Loveless Cafe for a late lunch.

After our hike and filling up on biscuits at the Loveless, we we're wore out. Surprisingly Ben was more bet than Casie and I were. We had finally made it home to take a nap.

A few hour's later I was refreshed and feeling a little mischievous. I went to check on Casie and she was just waking up too. I tip toed to Ben's room and he was passed out. This was great! I knew he's gonna be sleep for a few more hour's and I had a plan.

"Casie grab your shoes and follow me to the door." I whispered

"Ok, but why are we whispering?" She asked as head for the door.

I ushered outside and closed the front door. I put on my shoes and Casie followed my lead. We stepped off the pouch and made it to the side walk.

"Where are we going mom?" Casie questioned

"We're going downtown." I said

"But I thought Ben said we couldn't go?"

"He did but we're doing it anyway. I made a promise and I never break a promise."

Casie and I wasted no time. We hit up the strip and took tons of picture's. We stopped in a few shops to see some of my friends and then I took Casie in to Boot Country so that she could get fitted for some custome cowboy boots. Before we knew it it was dusk. I knew we had to book it back because Ben would be waking up any minute and we could risk getting caught.

We made it to the front door and I punched the code in and I opened the door to hear silence. Casie and I walked into the kitchen and just as we sat down Ben came in stretching and yawning.

"Hey ladies." He said

"Hi Ben." We both said in unison

That's not suspicious.

"Hey why do you guys have your shoes on? You didn't go anywhere did you?" He asked

"Of course not. We just went in the back yard." I said

"Yeah, we were facetiming my dad. I think I left the blanket. I'm gonna go get it." Casie said quickly exiting the room.

Wow! I've never seen Casie lie before. It was so believable that I think we're gonna have to have a talk later.

When Casie left Ben walked over and took a seat next to me at the table.

"I'm sorry for giving you guys the 3rd degree. I just want to make sure that I'm doing all I can to keep you guys safe. I mean I don't know what I would do if something every happened to one of you guys." He said softly as placed his hand on my thigh and his lips on mine.

What the fuck was he doing!?! I don't know what came over me but I jumped up from my seat and slapped the shit out of him.

"Oh my gosh! What the hell!?" I asked

Ben grabbed his face and I could see anger in his eyes.

"What hell Jane?" He said which took me aback.

"Oh so your mad? If anyone should be mad it should be me." I spat

"I'm sorry. I just thought..." he started

"You thought what!?!?"

"I thought, I thought you wanted me to."

"What would make you think that?"

"I don't know. I just figured since you and that fuck boy of a husband you have are always on the outs that things would be over soon. And I'm always flirting with you that I shouldn't waste anymore time so I was shooting my shot."

"First of all, my marriage is none of your business. The only reason your here is to do your job. Not try to get into my pants! And yeah I noticed you were flirting with me after Colson, my HUSBAND, pointed it out to me. But I am a married woman and I am not open to cheating on my husband." I shot back

"Its not like he wasn't open to doing it to you." He mumbled

"Your on thin ice and you better be glad we signed a contact with company that employ's you or else you'd lose your job tonight. So if you wanna make the rest of this trip bareable then I suggested you keep my husband's name out yo damn mouth!" I said as I stromed off.

Who the hell did he think he was? He had some nerve talking about my husband like that. Things may not be great between Colson and I right now but he's my husband. He may have cheated on me but the thought of doing that to him even out of revenge made me sick to my stomach. Damn I wish Mike could've came instead. Mike never would've did some low down dirt shit like this. Plus Mike was more fun.

 All We Have (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now