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We both looked at Colson with confusion. What the hell was he talking about?

"Excuse me? No, what are you talking about?" She said clutching her son.

"Look," he said as he took out his phone,"I have pictures of him."

"How did you... Oh my gosh." She said as she saw the photos for herself.

Colson had pictures of this woman's son. Not just one or two. He had like 15 pictures: One taken the day he was born, some were from his birthday parties, trips to the zoo, and other random things.

"This is really weird. What's going on?" I asked the both of them.

"I'm not really sure. I wanted to talk to you both about my sister, Gina. I wanted to apologize to you and kinda help give you guys some closer. But now I'm kind of confused myself." She said.

"Ok, I guess it would be easier if I started then. A few month's ago Gina contacted me under false pretenses. She made me believe she was with a publishing company that wanted to publish my life story. When I showed up for the meeting she told me she made it up so that I would meet with her. She then told me that she and I had a son together. She said we hooked up back when I relapsed. I couldn't remember her or anything but there are a lot of things I don't remember from back then so I believed her." He said.

"Then things started getting really crazy. I got random calls but no one would say anything so I would hang up. Then she followed me to New York and delivered flower's to my hotel room. I knew nothing about her and still didn't until she pretended to be my ultrasound tech and told me my baby had died. After that Colson told me everything. Colson moved into the guest house and things stopped. But one night when Colson stayed in the main house she fucked up my car and tried to lure our daughter out of the house! She even  kidnapped our dog and made us think she killed it by putting a severed dog ear in or mailbox!" I said chiming in.

"Oh my gosh! I had no idea she had done all of these things. I didn't even know she was stalking you until she got arrested the first time. I can't believe I had no idea." She said in shock.

"Yeah, she was pretty busy. I'm not really sure why your so shocked given her medical history. " Colson replied.

"Gina, she always kinda had mental health issues. When our parents were alive they did everything they could to get her proper psychological help. Dr. Martin was her doctor when she was a teenager, but for some reason he told my parent's he had to release her and was recommending she either be committed or seek outpatient therapy with another doctor. Shortly after that Gina started doing drugs. When my parents found out she ran away from home. My parents found her and got her treatment.

After rehab she came to live with me in Colorado for a while. At the time my boyfriend was a big fan of yours, so Gina started listening to your music and it really helped. So when you came to town we took her to one of your shows and she just kinda fell in love with you. She became like an obsessed superfan. I didn't think anything was wrong with it but my boyfriend did. Eventually, he and I broke up and Gina and I moved back here.

When you relapsed, Gina and I ran into at a bar. Gina couldn't believe it. She was finally meeting you in person. It was a dream come true for her. We talked to you briefly and you bought us a round of drinks and you stumbled out of the bar and we never saw you again."

"So nothing happened between any of us?" Colson asked.

"No, nothing happened. I got pregnant like a month or so after that by my ex who is now my husband. After that our parents died in a car crash. Gina and I inherited their house so all 3 of us moved in together. I guess at some point Gina stopped taking her meds. She said she hadn't but I later found out that she had. That's when she started talking about you and how she would see you again and one day you guys would get married. I just thought it was harmless ya know? Gosh this is all my fault." She said.

"You can't beat yourself up over this. You had no way of knowing she was capable of any of this." I reassured.

"I kind of feel like I did though. Because after you came around asking about the dog I did some digging into the Martin's house fire. I found out that they suspected that the fire was arson, so it was now a homicide investigation. I also stumbled across some old emails that Dr. Martin sent my parents years ago. In the emails it stated why he had to stopped seeing Gina. Apparently she became obsessed with him. She started doing inappropriate things like writing love letters to him and hiding them in his car for his wife to find. She started stalking and harassing her. She even reported him to The State Board of Psychology for sexual misconduct, which was later dismissed. Once I found out about all of this I realized that I didn't even really know my own sister. She could be capable of anything. I had no idea where Gina was the night of that fire. And you guys said the dog showed up at your house on the same night." She stated.

What she was saying made sense. Gina probably burnt the Martin's house down to get back at them. She probably took their dog and then brought him to us. Maybe as a gift of some kind for Colson.

"You have to believe me when I say that I had no idea that Gina had done any of this or that she had used my son as a ploy to ruin your lives." She cried.

We believed her. With Gina the truth was stranger than fiction. She had tried to ruin our lives but she was sick. She needed help and now all we could do is hope that justice system would help here get the help she truly needed.

 All We Have (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now