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I pulled into the drive way and quickly got out of the car. As I approached the house could see what looked like a dog sitting on our front porch. The closer I got the more could see. It was Gunner! What the fuck! Is this real? It couldn't be. It was definitely Gunner and boy was he happy to see me. I pet him and examined him a bit. He was ok from what I could tell. He wasn't even missing an ear! That sick bitch!

"Gunner where have you been?!" I asked him.

"We were so worried about you. We thought you were... Oh nevermind. I gotta get you into your crate." I said as I walked into the house.

I quickly got Gunner squared away in his carte and made a mad dash for the bedroom to find the card.

"I know its in here somewhere." I thought to myself.

Me and my damn pregnancy brain. I couldn't remember where I put it. Everyone who knows me knows that i never lose anything. If I lose it then it really is lost.

I eventually found it. It had fallen in between the nightstand and the bed. I grabbed it and tucked it into my purse. I locked the door behind me and made my way to the car. Went I got to the car I realized I had forgotten to give Gunner something to eat.

Feeling guilty I ran back in, filled his food and water bowls and then placed them into the crate. I turned on my heels to leave out again when I heard a strange noise. I couldn't tell where it had came from. Everying I know about being black told me that it didn't matter and that I should leave right now! I raced for the door and was stopped in my tracks.

"Going somewhere?" Gina asked blocking my pathway to the door.

"What...what are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I asked you first." She shot back.

"Get out of my house right now before I call the police!" I yelled

"And what are they gonna do? They're the ones that let me out." She laughed

I started to back away. For every step I took back she took one forward. I had to think fast. This bitch wasn't gonna let me out of here and only one person knew that I was here. I was in big trouble and I knew it.

"Look you want Colson. I get that and you know what? If you want him that bad. I'll gladly give him to you." I said

"Yeah right! How stupid do you think I am? I know what your trying to do and its not gonna work." She spat.

I took off running into the kitchen and Gina ran after me. I tripped and fell face first onto the kitchen floor. I lay there wincing in pain as my stomach started to cramp.

"Why are you doing this? Why can't you just leave us alone?" I groaned.

"I would but I can't." She said as she stood over me.

"If its about Colson being in Alex's life I can fix that. I can get Colson to take him in and we can raise him as our own." I said as I tried to catch my breathe.

"You just don't get it. Your living my life.  Colson is supposed to be my husband! This is supposed to be my house! Those babies your carrying are supposed to be mine! You've ruined everything and your in my way!"she yelled.

"So what are you gonna do? Kill me? Colson knows I'm here and if I'm not back soon he will come looking for me. You would never get away with this and even if you did Colson would never be with you! He doesn't love you and he never will!" I shot back.

This infuriated Gina because she kicked me in my back. I tried dragging myself across the floor so that maybe I could find something to defend myself with or something. I quickly grabbed a bottle of cleaning spray and sprayed her in the face. She screamed out in pain as it burned her eyes and she became enraged.

I was able to get up. So I tried to run for the backdoor. Some how she overcame her temporary blindness. I felt several sharp sticks go into my back. She must of found a knife and decided to attack me. I tried my hardest to fight back but I just couldn't. I did everything I could to protect my stomach. If I was going to die I had to make sure that they had a fighting chance.

All I could think about was Colson, Casie, and the twins. I was about to die and I was going to leave all of them behind. Now everything was starting to faded. I couldn't feel the pain anymore and I was getting very sleepy.


Using my instincts, I had already called the police and they were sending an ambulance. I was calling Jane nonstop and she never answered. I had all kinds of wild thoughts running through my mind. What if she really had gotten hurt or passed out? I tried not to think about it but my fear was later confirmed. Before I could pull into the drive way I was stopped by police. They had the whole house surrounded.

"Let me through! This is my house!" I yelled.

They refused and now I could see why. They were bring Jane's body out of the house on a stretcher. I could she was covered in blood and I began to lose it. What had happened!?

"That's my wife! Please you gotta let me see her!" I cried

"We have to get her to a hospital." The EMT informed me.

I watched as they loaded her up and several police officers were dragging Gina out of my house. What in the hell is going on here? Why was she here? How did she get out?

"Colson, baby, they have it all wrong. I didn't do anything. I was coming to see you. Its your birthday!" Gina yelled as they were putting her into the car.

They shut the door but I could still hear what she was saying.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday my dearest Colson! Happy birthday to you!" She sang

 All We Have (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now