Chapter Three

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Will's POV...

I can't help but stare at Nico as she eats her diner. Her long hair, her delicate features, her curves, and just everything. This morning she was my boyfriend and now... Of course Nico is still beautiful and I still love Nico. But, I want my boyfriend back. Lou Ellen accidently made him a girl and I'm going to make sure that she fixes this.

*         *            *

Nico's not at the campfire tonight, so I walk up to Lou Ellen. "Hey Will," she says nervously. "Look Lou Ellen I want to talk to you about something," I say and bite my lip. "Yes?" she asks and bites her lips.

"Is there a reversal spell to what you did to Nico?" I ask worried that the answer is no. "Can you change him back into a boy?" She hesitates and her eyes dart around. I look at her waiting for an answer. "Gods I don't know Will," she sighs. "I'll look into it okay? But right now Nico needs you. You should go."

She runs back to Cecil and the Stoll brothers. I turn and walk to Nico's cabin.

* * *

As I stand at the door of the Hades cabin, I don't know what to think. I was here just last night to see my boyfriend Nico and now he is a girl. Honestly, this whole thing is kind of giving me a headache. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. Nico opens the door. She is wearing boxers and t-shirt just like last night. Nico welcomes me inside just like normal, I walk over to the bed, and lay down. Nico shuts the door and lays next to me. 

We stare into each other's eyes. Everything else about Nico might have changed, except for the eyes. They are still the same. Nico kisses me and I kiss back. Her lips are slimmer and I rest my hands on her hips, which are also different. Her fingertips start pulling up my shirt, and I take it off and press myself against her. She is not flat chested.

*                      *                      *

I wake up with Nico in my arms, just like yesterday but he is a she. Nico wanted to do it  last night, and I just can't argue with, the person I love more than anything. Nico wakes up and looks at me. "Hey Will," she says softly and her delicate hand brushes my collarbone. "Does it bother you that, I'm a girl?"

"Nico," I sigh. "You know that I'm bisexual, so if you are asking me if last night made me uncomfortable, the answer is no."

She takes her hand away and turns around. I lay on my side and pull her tight against me. "I talked to Lou Ellen last night," I whisper. "She said that she would look into a reversal spell."

"Will," Nico says after a moment of silence. "Do you like me better as a girl?"

"Why do you ask?" I pull Nico closer.

"Well what if I want to stay like this?" I can hear the worry in Nico's voice.

"Do you?" I ask and feel a knot in my stomach.

"No," Nico says quickly. "Just curious."

"I would still love you," I whisper in Nico's ear. "No matter what." 

"Did you like last night better that the nights before?" Nico whispers.

"Nico last night was as good as any other night with you," I whisper back.

We lay there for a moment until I glance at the time. I kiss Nico's head. "Hey I've got to go work at the infirmary," I say sadly, not wanting to leave. "Okay," Nico whispers.

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