Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Will's POV...

I am sitting in the darkness. I feel nothing but coldness and numb. Nothing, nothing, nothing...

I wake up. I must have been dreaming. Well my dream matches my mood. I roll over and look at the time. Noon. Wow I must've been tired. "Rise and shine sleeping beauty," Jason says from behind me. I sit up and roll out of bed. I'm really not in the mood for this. I get dressed.

"Don't you think that you should wear some other clothes?" Jason asks walking to the door. I glare at him. "Okay, gods."

* * *

I finish eating, lunch and go to my cabin. I grab my backpack out of the closet. I start shoving clothes in my bag. "Will," Jason calls. "They need you in the infirmary!" He walks over and grabs my backpack away from me. "You can't leave Will," Jason sighs. "You are the best healer in camp. We need you. Besides, I have already contacted Camp Jupiter and Chiron, they have both sent out search parties."

"Damn it Jason!" I yell in his face. "I don't care! I'm going to go to the infirmary and do what? Try to save Annabeth? I have been trying for over two weeks! Nothing is working! She'll have to wake up on her own or not wake up at all!"

"Will," Jason says softly.

"Fine! I'll go! I won't go after Nico, the person I love most!" I scream as loud as I can. "Not that you care! If Piper was missing you would already be gone! But whatever!"

He opens his mouth to say something, but I don't want to hear it.

"Whatever!" I scream one more time and storm out of the Apollo cabin, slamming the door behind me.

Right now I hate everything. My mom, my dad, Jason, and everyone else at camp. There is one person I don't hate. Nico. I love her. I want to go find her, but no. I have work in the fucking infirmary. I hate it. I fucking hate it! Fuck everything because I don't give a fuck!

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