Chapter Thirteen

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Nico's POV...

I wake up to Will's soft gentle kisses. "Morning beautiful," Will smiles and kisses me again. I can't help but smile back and blush like an idiot. He loves me. He still loves me.  I thought that maybe last night was a dream, until I felt his lips on mine. I thought he was lying to make me feel better, but it was the truth. "Solace," I whisper and kiss him.

"You know," he whispers. "I thought you broke up with me last night." The memories rush back to me, and I can feel myself blushing. "Oh," I whisper and look down. "I did." Will's smile disappears, I can't bare to look him in the eyes. "Nico," he whispers and lifts my chin with his hand, so our eyes meet. "Will you take me back?"

I can't believe after everything I did, he stills wants me. He really does love me. He really does. I place my hands on his chest and kiss him softly. "Of course Solace," I whisper against his lips. "I was stupid to break up with you."

"You were not," he whispers back. "I was the one acting stupid."

"But I lied to you," I feel tears forming in my eyes. He takes my face in his hands. "You were scared about what I would think," he looks into my eyes. "I understand that Nico, but please never lie to me again."

"I won't," I feel tears streaking down my face. "I swear on the River Styx that I will never lie to you ever again."

"And no more secrets?" he asks and I pull away just a little bit. "What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Well," he bites his lip. "You never mentioned being a girl before. You never told me."

"I'm so sorry Will," I feel more tears streaming down my cheeks and to my neck. "No more lies and no more secrets ever. I swear on the River Styx."

Will wipes away my tears and starts kissing my face and down my neck. I can't help but shiver and tense. I start to pull away when he stops and pulls me tight against him, resting his chin on my head. He has his hands on my lower back.

"I have the day off," he whispers. "What do want to do?"

I smile. Will rarely has days off, since he is the best healer at camp and head consular of the Apollo cabin. I place my hands on his shoulders and he pulls me even closer. I wrap my hands gently around the back of his neck, and tangle my hands in hair. If sunshine has a smell, it's Will. 

"Can we just lay here for awhile?" I whisper. He rubs his hands up and down my back. "Of course Neeks," he whispers. "Anything you want. You deserve the world and I won't stop until I give it to you."

"I don't want the world," I whisper honestly. "I want you."

He pulls me tighter and I know that he is smiling. I am with the man of my dreams. I can't think about being with anyone else. I don't want to. I think that Will feels the same way. I hope so. Right now, I don't want to do anything. If we just laid here all day I would be okay with that.

Do You Still Love Me? (Solangelo) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now