Chapter Nineteen

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Nico's POV...

"Hazel and Reyna came by earlier today," I say to Will. We are having lunch on the beach, even though it's four in the afternoon. First I went to go to talk to Jason, then Reyna and Hazel dropped by for a few hours. They didn't know, so I thought it was time to tell them.

"How did that go?" Will asks finishing his lunch.

"They said that I was still the same person," I say looking out at the sea. "They said that they love me and accept me."

"As they should," Will smiles and kisses my head. "Nico is something wrong?"

"Will," I sigh. "We didn't use protection."

The last part come out in a rush. Will just stares at me wide eyed, and his whole face is bright red. I bite my lip waiting for him to say something. "Well I don't think-" he begins to say but already know what it is. "Twice Will," I say meeting his eyes. "Twice."

Will bites both of his lips and stares down at the sand. I sigh and look down with him. I can feel tears escaping my eyes. Great I just ruined everything. If he didn't hate me before he will defiantly hate me now.

I feel his arm wrap around my shoulders. His other hand wipes away my tears.

"Nico," he whispers in my ear. "If you are afraid that I hate you, or that I'll leave you, I won't. I love you Nico di Angelo. I always will. The only way that I will leave is if you want me gone-"

"I never want you to leave," I whisper. "Will what if I am-"

"I still won't leave," he kisses my head gently. "Nico do you even want to have children?"

"We've been dating for awhile," I whisper. "And-"

That's when I see I tiny box in front of my eyes. Will opens it. Inside is a beautiful golden ring with a black diamond. I gasp. "I wanted to wait until the moment was perfect," Will whispers. "And now feels like that time. Nico di Angelo will you marry me?"

"Yes," I whisper without giving it a second thought. "Yes."

I can feel tears pouring out of my eyes, as Will slips the ring on my finger. I look up at him and our noses brush, I lean in and kiss him. I might not have gotten the whole day with Will Solace, but now I will have him forever. I am going to his and he is going to be mine forever.

Do You Still Love Me? (Solangelo) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now