Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Jason's POV...

"Will! Will! Calm down!" I yell down at  him. I am on top of him, pinning him to the ground. Finally he stops moving. We are both breathing heavy and I'm about to break a sweat. Anybody who says that Will Solace is any easy target, is a fucking liar.

Tears are streaking down his face into his sunshine hair. "Now," I say trying to catch my breath. "If I let go, promise you won't try to run away? " He nods and I let go of him and stand up. He slowly stands up and sits on the bed. "Jason she's gone," his voice cracks. I sit next to him. "What if she ran away from me?"

"Will," I say trying to meet his eyes, but the are closed. "Will look at me." He opens his eyes and turns to face me. I stare into his eyes. "Nico loves you more than anything," I say seriously. "She would rather die than lose you. You are all she ever thinks about. She believes life is pointless without you."

Will puts his face in his hands. "I should've never went to work last night. I should have stayed there and protected her."

"Will," I sigh. "You saved lives. You are a hero."

Will jumps up from the bed. "I don't want to be called a hero," he throws out his hands. "Because I'm not! I am not a hero! I am a healer! I only want to be Nico's hero because she is the only one who has ever truly been there for me! No else really cares about me, but she does! And if she's gone then part of me is gone too! She is my whole world, my everything, the person I love most in the world and someone took that away from me-" He brakes down crying and drops to the floor.

"If she didn't," he whispers and takes a sharp breath. "If she didn't run away, then someone kidnaped her."

Will came by a few minutes ago, asking desperately if Nico was here. Before I could answer he shoved me aside and ran in. When he found out that Nico wasn't here, he started to cry. Then he pulled himself together and said that he was going to run away to find her. He was mad, wait no, furious that he searched the whole camp and couldn't find Nico. He looked like he would kill anyone, no matter who they were, just to get to Nico. So of course I tackled him to the ground, which was about the hardest thing I've ever did. He probably would've have been harder to fight if he didn't look so exhausted.

"Will," I say standing up and walking over to him. "Have you eaten today?"

"No," he says and sits up. "All I I've done is look for Nico."

So Will hasn't eaten all day and he worked the night shift last night. No wonder he's exhausted. Gods if that was him fighting when he was low on energy, I would hate to see what he's like when he has full energy. 

"Will," I sigh. "How about you sleep here tonight?"

"I can't sleep," he says standing up. "I have to find Nico."

"Will," I grab his shoulders. "You can not run yourself-"

"Yes I can!" He snaps. "She's worth it!"

"Will," I say and push him on the bed. "You can't find her if you are dead! Now get some sleep. I will contact Camp Jupiter and see if she is there. I will also tell Chiron and we will send out search parties for her."

"But-" he starts to say but I cut him off. "Would Nico want you to get your energy up?" I ask raising an eyebrow. He nods and lays down. I go over to the door and zap it with lightening, so if Will tries to leave he will seriously shocked.

I walk back over Will. He has stripped down to his boxers and is spread out on my bed. I can see what Nico sees in him. I grab a pillow off the bed and lay in the floor.

Truth be told I am worried sick about Nico too, but I am going to try to be reasonable about it. I don't know if Nico is kidnaped or if she ran away. Maybe she went to go see Hazel and Reyna, but why wouldn't she tell anyone? Did something happen? What if someone did kidnap her? I can hear my heart beating in my ears. I am trying to relax. Why would anyone kidnap her? Maybe they didn't. Maybe she is fine. Nico is strong. She will be okay. I hope that she will be okay. We are going to find her. We will find her. We will find...

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