Chapter Thirty-One

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Annabeth's POV...

I open my eyes and slowly sit up. Everything hurts and my head is pounding. I'm in the infirmary at Camp Half-Blood. The memories come rushing back to me.

"Holy shit!" Will screams when he sees me. "Annabeth you are wake!?"

* * *

After Will finishes doing tests on me, he starts writing things down on his clipboard.

"Will," I ask quietly, because my throat is sore. "How long have I been asleep?"

"A little over two weeks," he says not looking up from his clipboard. A little over two weeks? I'm surprised that I didn't sleep longer. I look at Will. His clothes are wrinkled. He looks a little pale and he has bags under his eyes. Something is bothering him. He seems distracted. His expression is hard to read.

"What's wrong?" I ask in a whisper. He sighs and looks like he is about to cry. He sits a chair beside me and sits the clipboard in the floor. "Annabeth," he says looking at me. "You've missed a lot. We need to talk."

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