Chapter Twenty-Two

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Nico's POV...

I wake up to a blue sky. I blink a few times, then sit up. I don't recognize where I am. Everything else is sort of dark and shimmering. I am sitting on a white bed with blue sheets wearing my pajamas, which is a black tank top and shorts. I feel my body tense and I start shaking. I bite my lips, scared to call out. Will left work earlier yesterday to spend some time with me, but he left to go work the night shift. I fell asleep missing his warmth, his kisses, and his strong gentle arms around me. A few tears left my eyes as I drifted off to sleep. 

"Solace?" I call out in a whisper. My throat closes up, as soon as the words left my mouth. I hear footsteps and jump. I can hear my heart beat pounding in my ears.  "Will?" I call out a little louder.

"Hello Nico," a voice calls and it sounds far way and distant, but also familiar. I am dreaming. I must be dreaming. None of this is real. I squeeze my hand tight, until my fingertips turn purple and I lose feeling. I look around again, everything is still dark and shimmering. I feel stuffy and suffocated.

"I'm glad to see that you are awake," the voice says and steps out of the shadows.  

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