Chapter Twenty

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Will's POV...

I wake up with Nico in my arms. I now what you are thinking, but no we didn't have sex again. We fell asleep watching Netflix, and no we didn't chill. Sadly...

I watch her as she sleeps. Her curly locks of raven black hair, have tangled into a mess. Her pale skin shimmers in the sunlight, moonlight suits her better, but she is beautiful either way. Her lips are pale pink and slightly parted. Her eyes flutter open.

"Good morning my fiancé," I smile and kiss her. She blushes and kisses me back. "Fiancé," she whispers back and I kiss her again. I'm normally a happy person, but I don't think that I've ever been this this happy.

*             *            *

I'm standing at Annabeth's bedside. I hope that she wakes up, but I don't know what else to do for her. I feel like I'm failing, also very tired. I got a very good sleep last night, but I'm using up all my energy to try to save Annabeth. I did this before, and Percy believes that I can do it again. I wish that I could take off again for a day. Nico says that I am the best healer at camp, but I don't feel like it.

I notice a piece of paper sitting on the table near Annabeth. It's says Dear Solace. I know exactly who this is form. Only one person who calls me Solace. I open the letter, smiling like an idiot.

            I know that you feel like you are failing. You are not. You are doing your best. I know that you want to save everyone, but sometimes you can't. That doesn't mean that you failed. You did everything you could. I'm not saying that I sense Annabeth's death, but it's hard to tell if she will ever wake up. I love you Will. I believe in you. I always will.

                                                                                                                   ~Love Nico, your fiancé

I put the letter in my back pocket. I blink away the tears that have formed in my eyes. Just then Percy walks in the room. "She dumped me," he mumbles and walks over to her. He kisses her head. "Please wake up Annabeth. I don't care if you don't love me anymore. I just need you to be okay. I don't know what I did to make you hate me, or if you hate me. I love you Annabeth. I always will."

I don't think that Percy even notices that I'm here. Annabeth broke up with Percy. I can't believe it. I always thought that they would be together forever. I guess not. I quietly walk away. I still can't believe what I heard.  

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