Chapter Twenty-Four

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Nico's POV...

"Shh, just relax," he says rubbing my shoulders. "I wouldn't suggest screaming. No one can hear you anyway."

I want to get away from him. I want his hands off of me. I want to scream. I want to fight, but I'm too scared. In one of his hands he is holding a knife. I know that because I can feel the blade brush against my skin. My whole body is tense and shaking. I feel tears forming in my eyes, but I am blinking them away.

"Now I'm going to tell you how things are going to work," he whispers in my ear. "You are going to stay here with me, forever. You will do everything I say. Are you ready to hear the rules?"

I nod and I can feel the tip of the blade press into the back of my neck.

"Rule number one," he says speaking up. "You will never say no or hesitate, to anything. Rule number two. You will not speak unless given permission, and you will not mumble or stutter. Rule number three. You will not talk back. Rule number four. You will do everything I say, when I tell you to do it. Least but not least, rule number five. You will never ever speak the name of William Solace. If you disobey to any of these rules, I will punish you. Do you understand?"

I nod. "You have permission to speak," he says softly.

"I understand," I say quietly.

"You can ask three questions," he presses the blade deeper, pricking my skin and I can feel blood dripping down my back.

I take a deep breath. "Where are we?" I whisper.

"Somewhere were you will never be found," he says and I'm scared to ask more. "Next question."

"Why am I here?" I whisper and clench my fists.

"Because I want you here," he growls. "With me forever. Last question."

"Who are you?" I whisper and start shaking even more.

He told me to look away when he entered. I haven't seen his face, but I know his voice. It's a voice that I have known for years, but I just can't place it.

"Oh Nico," he takes the blade off of my neck. I can feel a cloth wiping the blood that has dripped down my back. "Shouldn't you know?"

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