Chapter Twenty-Three

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Will's POV...

I wake up. Every part of my body is aching. I feel asleep in a chair, no wonder. I meant to go the Hades cabin after my shift, but I guess I was too tired. I yawn and stretch, falling out of the chair. I stand up and think about how Nico would have laughed if she saw me.

*             *            *

I open the door quietly, not wanting to wake my sleeping fiancé. I'm so happy! Okay, okay, calming down now. Whew. I step inside and shut the door quietly behind me. "Nico?" I whisper walking to the bed. Uh, she's not there. I have never known Nico to be awake at seven in the morning. "Nico?" I call out loudly. Nothing.

I suddenly start to feel panic. Where is she!? Oh no what if something happened to her? Okay calm down. She is fine. She is probably talking with Jason or something. I hope. I guess I really am overprotective. But it is not just Nico I am worrying about, it's also the baby. I love them both equally, but not in the same way.

Nico is my whole world, my everything, the person I want to spend every breathing second with, and my soul mate. Our child, boy, girl, either way, is going to become a major part of our lives and I know that we will love him or her.

I feel every muscle in my body tense. I feel like something is wrong. I feel like Nico and the baby are in danger. But that is ridiculous. I feel like I am lying to myself. I run out of the Hades cabin, slamming the door behind me. I will find Nico, sweep her up in my arms, kiss her passionately, and then I can laugh at myself for being silly.

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