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Cameron's P.O.V

I'm telling you man, I was so fucking close to breaking up with her." I said to my best friend, Matthew.
"What changed your mind?" He asked and I sighed.

"Her sister." I replied and he gave me a confused look. "You should've seen her man, she was the definition of perfect."

"How old is she?" He asked.
"Sixteen." I replied and his jaws dropped.

"Are you crazy? You cannot hit that man." He said and I frowned don't you think I know that? She's sixteen and I'm twenty-one that's serious jail time right there.

"Cmon dude there'll be others, just let this one go." He said patting my back. Yea he's right.

Liliana's P.O.V

I was sitting at my table in the cafeteria, eating when I heard a voice that was sure to brighten up my day. "Lili!"

"Alex!" I squealed running to her. "Where were you?!" I shouted gaining looks from the whole cafeteria but I don't care.

"I was with Jack." She replied with a smile. Jack is her boyfriend and honestly he's better than the other douches she dated.

"Oh? Doing what?" I asked poking her and smiling. She blushed shaking her head. "Oh my god." I said.

"What?" She asked.
"Never in my entire life have I seen a guy have the power to make you blush." I replied pulling her to the table.

"Well he's not just a guy, he's pretty special." She smiled. "Anyway enough about me, how was dinner last night?" She asked.

"Nothing new, my parents were kissing Stephanie's ass as usual, they were telling me that one day I should be as successful at nineteen like my sister and get a boyfriend that's as successful as Cameron." I replied.

"Cmon beb, don't listen to them, they're idiots that don't know a good daughter when they see one. As for this Cameron guy, is he cute?"

"He's alright." I said and she gave me an 'oh really' look. "Ok maybe he's fucking hot and his face is perfect and he's the only one of Steph's boyfriends that is polite, but I'll have to watch him grope my sister everyday so eventually the attraction will be gone."

"Poor baby." She cooed stroking my hair.
"Anyway where's Jack?" I asked and as if on cue Mr.Perfect came strolling in. I can't lie I'm jealous of how close they are. They're so cute together.

"Hey baby." He said kissing Alex. "Lili." He said glaring at me playfully.
"Jack." I said in the same tone then we both started laughing. "Where were you?" I asked but we were all distracted by the whore that walked in.

"Amy Walters." I mumbled.

"It blows my mind that people like her so much." Alex said shaking her head.
"People don't like her they're afraid of the consequences they'll face if they don't tolerate her." Jack said eating my fries.

"Am I the only one who feels the need to beat the fuck out of both her and Jason?" Alex asked and I laughed shaking my head.
"Come on let's get to class." I said getting up.


I opened my door and walked in, only to see Cameron sprawled out on my couch. "Cameron, what're you doing here?" I asked and he sat up.

"I'm waiting on Steph but she's not here yet and your mom told me to wait." He replied and I nodded sitting beside him. "So how was school?" He asked.

"Exhausting!" I exclaimed and he chuckled. "I'm not kidding, I got a shit load of homework that I don't even understand." I whined.

"Well that sucks for you, I am so glad I'm out of school." He smiled.
"Not helping." I said and he laughed. "Well I'm gonna take a shower then get started, see you later Cam." I said and he gave me a weird look.

"Cam?" He asked.
"Yea, I thought I'd call you that instead of Cameron." I replied and he chuckled.
"Okay babygirl." He said and my heart skipped a beat. It sounded so sexy.

"Yea I'm gonna call you that instead of Lili." He smiled and I turned and walked upstairs. Can he get any better? But he's Stephanie's boyfriend and I'm pretty sure he thinks of me as a little sister, nothing more.

(A/N: A little sister he wants to bend over a table??? Xoxo)-Chan.

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