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Liliana's P.O.V

Time: 9:25pm

Location: Bathroom floor

I sat with my legs crossed staring at the bottle of lithium carbonate and the vodka. Why did he have to come back? With that tone and those eyes?

I lost everything in one go, my parents, my normal life, my baby, my boyfriend and my sister...somewhat...but I guess that doesn't give me the right to throw away something that was given as a gift.

I stood up and wiped my cheeks. No more crying Lili.

I grabbed a pen and started writing.

I was so sure that I was done with my life, that there was nothing left here on earth for me but then I realized that I didn't have to die to turn my life around. Chris you're amazing and I love you, Alex and Jack I love you guys even more...Stephanie, I love you all the same and Cameron take care of your little one, be a great dad. Please don't try to find me, I need to find out what I want, I'll come back if I want to or I'll contact you but until then I guess it's goodbye.  -Lili

I placed the paper on the bedside table under the bottle of vodka and lithium.

I grabbed my suitcase and packed a few things, grabbed my keys, and my phone.

I kissed Chris's cheek then walked out. "Bye guys." I mumbled before climbing into my Range Rover and driving, not knowing where I was going just driving.

Chris' P.O.V

"Damn." I mumbled as the sun shone through the window brightly. I reached beside me but the space was empty.

"Lili?" I called getting up. I pulled on my Calvins and looked in the bathroom,then downstairs but she wasn't there.

I jogged back to the room and dialed her number. However there was no answer and that's when I started to get worried.

I was gonna get my charger off the bedside table when I saw a bottle of vodka and some pills on top of a note.

The note said:

I was so sure that I was done with my life, that there was nothing left here on earth for me but then I realized that I didn't have to die to turn my life around. Chris you're amazing and I love you, Alex and Jack I love you guys even more...Stephanie, I love you all the same and Cameron take care of your little one, be a great dad. Please don't try to find me, I need to find out what I want, I'll come back if I want to or I'll contact you but until then I guess it's goodbye.  -Lili

What the fuck? No,this must be some kinda prank or something. I tried her cell again but there was no answer, so I called Jack.

"Have you seen Lili?" I asked.

"No why?"

"She left a note saying that she's leaving and we shouldn't try to find her."

"What?!" He asked and I sighed hanging up. I tried once more and she picked up.

"Lili thank god, where are you?"

"Didn't you see the note?" She asked.

"Yeah but-"

"Just let me go Chris, bye." She whispered.

"Lili I'm not just gonna- hello? Lili?"

I can't believe she hung up on me. I know Lili, if she says she's gonna leave then she's not coming back.

I grabbed my clothes, keys and the note and sped off to Cameron's house.

A few minutes later

I stood outside banging on his door. This is all his fucking fault. "What do you want?!" He shouted. As soon as he did my fist collided with his cheek. "What the fuck is your problem man?"

"I hope you're happy asshole." I said throwing the paper in his direction and walking out.

I just hope she'll be safe....

(A/N: Sooooo that happened lol. Let me just take this beautiful moment to thank everyone that helped with this book, Jada, Mikki, Kishy, Cele and Gina (in a way) without you guys it wouldn't be possible so thanks and I love you. I wanna thank one of my extremely loyal readers maloleyqueen17 she votes and reads every single chapter I love youuuu and to the rest of my readers/voters it has been amazing writing for you, again I love you and happy summer. xoxo)-Chan

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