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8 years later

Cameron's P.O.V

"I don't like it get out." I said to the terrified guy standing in front of me.

"Y-yes sir." He mumbled scrambling around and tripping over himself. Pssh asshole.

"Mr.Dallas, Hope's here." My secretary, Lisa said and I smiled.

"Send her in." I said packing up my things. When I was done the door flew open.

In case you're wondering Hope's my daughter and I gained full custody of her three years ago when I noticed bruises all over her body.

Ever since she was born she has been my top priority and I love her to the moon and back.

"Daddy!" She squealed running to me.

I scooped her up in my arms as she giggled. "How's my baby girl?"

"Very good, I got an A on the science project we did together." She said cutely. I helped her with her drawing...she thinks everything's a science project so yup.

"Wow, you're so smart, let's go get ice-cream."

"No daddy I want cake please." She said and I chuckled.

"Okay." I said as I walked with her in my arms to the elevator.

"Enjoy your lunch Hope." Lisa said.

"Thank you."

When we got to my car, I strapped her in and drove to the nearest café. She ordered a slice of cheese cake, her favorite and I ordered a cup of coffee.

When I was getting my wallet she sprung out of my arms and ran, bumping into a girl and spilling coffee all over her white dress.

"Hope, how many times must I tell you never to do that? I'm so sorry about your dress, I'll pay for it." I said and she looked up.

"Oh don't worry it's... Cameron?" She said removing her glasses and I froze.

"L-lili? W-what are you..."

"I'm visiting, it's Alex's birthday, I do it every year so yeah." She smiled and we stood there for awhile staring at each other.

I haven't seen her in years, she hasn't grown one bit. I chuckled as the thought crossed my mind.

"What?" She asked.

"You're still short." I replied.

"Ha ha, very funny Dallas." She said before leaning down. "And who's this?"

"I'm Hope." She mumbled looking down. "I'm sorry about your pretty dress."

"Actually I kinda wanted to thank you, you made it much prettier, the white was just too plain and you worked your magic and poof my dress is beautiful." She said and I smiled.


"Really, so how old are you?"

"I'm eight years old." Hope replied.

"Wow! You know you remind me of a princess, are you by any chance a princess?" Lili asked and Hope looked up at me then at her.

"I am but I don't think he knows just yet." She whispered back.

"Well from one princess to another, we always smile no matter the situation." Lili said and Hope smiled brightly. "There we go." She said standing up.

"So how have you been?" I asked.

"Awesome, it's my final year of college." She replied.

"Really? What are you studying?"


"Wow." I said and she giggled. She's still amazingly smart.

"Anyway, I gotta go, it was nice seeing you and meeting you." She said and I nodded.

What are you doing Cameron? She's getting away, stop her!

"Oh Lili?"

Don't do it Cameron, she's happy, let her be.


"Congrats on the college thing and you look amazing."

"Thanks, so do you." She smiled before walking away.

I'm not happy about the way things ended but as long as she's happy that's all that matters to me, I'm glad she's okay.

(A/N: And that is where I conclude. I personally love this ending, so if you don't fuck you then....okay I'm kidding, if this is not the ending you wanted I'm extremely sorry, if you like the ending thank you. THANKS TO ALL MY READERS/VOTERS YOU ARE ALL AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU.

What's next?
Sequel for.....................................drum roll please................. SAVE ME!!! YAY! After all the begging and mental battles with myself I decided to write it so look out for that, signing out for now, your babygirl, xoxo)-Chan

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