Big Brother

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~Rose's POV~

Ashton finally let go of me. We walked inside and joined the rest of the boys in the living room. "What was the nightmare about?" Calum asked. "It was a gorgeous day, for starters. Then out of nowhere it became pitch black. And...and then...I saw it.." I shuddered. "What did you see?" Michael asked. "The face of the Devil. He had these gigantic horns coming out of the sides of his head..and his face was splattered in blood..then..he started talking in some foreign language, but then he stopped and said "You'll die", and that's when I woke up screaming, drenched in my own sweat." I said. After that, no one said anything for a while. I guess you could say it was an awkward silence.

"Come here, Rose." Calum said. The sound of his voice startled me a bit, because no one had said anything for a long time. I got up and walked over to Calum. He stood up and hugged me. "I'm so sorry. I wish I would've been there to comfort you." Calum whispered. He then proceeded to kiss my hair. "Hey now! No funny business, Mr. Hood." Ashton laughed. Calum pulled away from me and rolled his eyes at my brother. "Can't I give her a hug?" Calum asked. "Nope. Not without my permission. And you didn't get my permission." Ashton said sternly. Calum rolled his eyes again. I went back over to where I was sitting before. I looked over at Luke, who fell asleep on the floor.

I sighed and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and stared out the window. "Everything looks so peaceful." I turned around and Michael was standing behind me. "Jesus Christ, Michael. Give me a heart attack, why don't ya!" "Sorry." I rolled my eyes at him and walked back into the living room. I sat down between Calum and Ash.

"Anyone wanna watch a movie?" Ash asked. "Sure." I replied. "What movie?" "Anything as long as it's not scary." I said. I really didn't like scary movies all that much, but I could tolerate them. But after my nightmare, I really didn't want to watch a scary movie. " bout..Hercules?" Ash asked. "YES! OMG YES!" I shouted. I love that movie. My ultimate favourite besides Pocahontas 1 and 2. "Woah..You really like Hercules, don'tcha?" Calum asked. "Mhm. It's my favourite, besides Pocahontas 1 and 2." I said. "Ahh, I'll keep that in mind for the future." Calum winked. I blushed and layed my head on his shoulder.

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