Punk Rock Band

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Calum's POV~

There was nothing better than coming home to see Rose. I haven't seen her in months. The sad part about coming home is that now we have a bunch of interviews to do. We have one later today. Amazing (-.-). "Calum? You still in here mate?" Luke asked as he opened the door. "Yeah." I responded, trying not to wake Rose. "We have to leave soon for an interview." Luke whispered. "I know." I said. "Can I skip? I don't really want to go..I just wanna spend time with Rose.." I added. "Calum..none of us want to go..but we have to. We can't skip this." Luke said. "Can Rose at least come with then?" I asked. "I'm not sure. Better check with management on that." Luke said and left.

~30 minutes later~
"Rose? Wake up.." I said, poking her side. "Whaaaattt?" She whined. "We have an interview that we have to go to..would you like to come with?" "Fine. Just as long as we can get something to eat at some point." She said. "Yes, of course we can babe." I said. "Mkay."She responded and got up and out of bed. She walked into the bathroom with some clothes and came out five minutes later fully dressed with makeup on. "I think that's the quickest you've ever gotten ready." I said impressed. "Well thanks." She said. "It's kind of a talent of mine." She added.

Everyone had ended up in the van and we were currently driving to be interviewed. We arrived and Rose stayed backstage whilst we walked out on the stage. "Hello boys!" The interviewer said. "I'm Katie." She added. We all took a seat and said our hello's. "So, I understand that you guys just came home today." She said. "Yup. That we did." Ash said. "Well, I have some questions to ask you..." Katie said while fumbling with her papers. "Okay, first question. Do you guys consider yourselves a boyband?" She asked. "No. We are not a boyband." I said. "We are just a band, made up of boys." I added. "Right. Okay, so I've heard that you guys consider yourselves 'Punk Rock', yet the fans seem to say something else..." She trailed off.

Boy was I getting real tired of this interview real quick. "Yeah..um..we're a serious band...we take our punk rockness very seriously." Ash said. "So um, I've got a question about tour." She said. Oh great. "What's one thing you miss the most while on tour?" Katie asked. "Calum, lets start with you." She added. "Okay..well..on this tour specifically, I really, really, really missed cuddling with my girlfriend, Rose." I said with a smile while looking at Rose, who stood off to the side of the stage. "That's right, you have a girlfriend. How's that going?" It almost seemed as if she was attempting to flirt with me. Ha no.

"It's going amazingly perfect. I love her to to the next galaxy and beyond." I said, still looking at Rose. "That's cute. But there's some people who don't think it'll last. What do you have to say to them?" She asked. "Well..It will last because I wouldn't ever hurt my Rosie. Ever. Even if she hurt me, I'd forgive her because I love her that much." I said. Jesus lady, can't you take a hint? She went on to ask everyone else questions. I wasn't paying attention because I just wanted this whole thing to be over with so I can go back home and cuddle with Rose.

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