Notes pt 1

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~Rose's POV~

I woke up at around ten-ish that morning. I rolled over and wasn't surprised to see Calum gone. I got up and went into my room. I looked at my phone, and there was a sticky note stuck to it. I read it.

Morning Rose! I didn't want to
wake you up when the boys and I
left this morning. I'm sorry that
I had to leave you. I feel horrible. :(
Call me when you get this,
Love, Calum xx

I sighed and called him. "Hello?" Calum said. "Morning Cal." I yawned. "Oh, you got my note. I feel terrible for having to leave you at home alone.." Calum said. "I'm okay, I'll be fine." I reassured him. "Okay..but..can I make it up to you?" Calum asked. "Sure?" I said it like it was more of a question than an answer. "Lemme take you out to dinner tonight. Wear something fancy, but not too fancy." Calum replied. "Okay.." I trailed off. "Great, I'll be back by six o'clock. I'm sending one of the boys over to grab something for me to wear." "Okay..I should probably go then, I need to shower." I answered "Okay, I'll see you soon!" Calum said and hung up.

I put my phone down on the nightstand and went into my bathroom. When I got out of the shower, I heard the door close. I couldn't tell if someone just left, or just came. I went downstairs and saw Luke get into his car. I sighed with relief and went to go make sure that the door was locked. Luckily it was. I went back upstairs and blow dried my hair. I took my time picking out an outfit and doing my makeup. At about five thirty-ish I was ready. (Rose)

I went down to the kitchen and sat down at the breakfast bar. At five fifty, the boys walked in, one by one. First Michael, then Luke, and then Ashton. "Your date awaits, m'lady." Luke said. "Don't say date, Luke." Ashton sighed. "I only agreed to this because I wanted to be a good brother." Ashton added. I nodded and took Michael's arm as he led me out to Calum. "Here is the lady, sir." Michael said in a posh British accent. It only made sense since we did live in London.

"You look beautiful." Calum practically drooled. "AYE! KEEP YOUR HANDS NORTH OF THE BOOTY AND SOUTH OF CHEST!" Ashton yelled. "I do apologize for him, what he's saying is keep your hands to yourself, sir." Michael revised Ashton's words in that posh accent. I giggled a little. "Shall we go?" Calum asked, opening my door for me. "We shall." I smiled.

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