The Text That Changed Everything

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~Rose's Pov~

So it's been about two months now without me seeing the boys. And it hurts like hell. I don't know why I ever did this. But today, I'm going to be brave and send Ashton a text. I never got rid of their numbers or anything, and hopefully they didn't get rid of mine. The only thing I took with me was my phone, cause lets be honest, that shit is my life. It's still logged into my twitter and everything, and I never made a new one. Just didn't have time for it. So anyways, I was laying in bed and I grabbed my phone. I still had the case on it that Calum gave me for my birthday a while back.

I unlocked my phone and opened iMessage. I composed a text that read, "Hey Ash, it's me, Rose. I have a lot of explaining to do so I plan on coming over later today. Don't disown me or anything. Please. I'm sorry that I did any of this. Forgive me." I sent it to Ash. He didn't reply right away, but he read it. After about thirty minutes or so he responded with "Rose? The hell? Is this some kind of prank? Rose is dead. This is one sick joke.". So I called him.

"Ashton?" I asked. "Who is this?" "It's Rose.." "Rose is dead." Ashton's voice was monotone. "No, Ash, I'm alive. I faked it. When the doctor was doing my vitals the one day he told me that what I had was uncommon but it was curable. And I told him that I wanted to fake my death because I didn't want you or the boys to be a hover parent, looking after me all the time so I wouldn't get sick or injured. I didn't want that. You guys already have a bunch of shit going on, with tour coming up and I didn't want to add to that stress-" "So you thought the best way was to fake it? How could you do that to me? To Calum? Luke? Michael?" "I feel incredibly bad Ash, I do. And I want to make it up to you. To them. Please."

"I guess..that okay..Calum has another girlfriend, by the way.." Ash said. "Yeah I know.." I replied. "It broke my heart, but if he's happy with her, than there's nothing I can do about it. I'm gonna let him be happy because that's what he deserves." "Okay, well where are you living now? I can come get you." Ashton said. "Not too far away. I live with a few other people so all I really need is my clothes and that'll only take a few minutes. So I'll just take a train into London, then get a cab to the house." "Are you sure?" He asked. "Course. I'm a big girl, Ash." I said. "Alright. See you soon." Ash said and hung up.

I packed all of my clothes up and left a note for my roommates. I went outside and ran to the train station to catch the next train into London. When I got there, the train for London had just arrived, so I got a seat and waited for it to leave.

About twenty minutes later, I arrived in London. I left the train station and waved down a taxi. Not too many people were out and about today since it was gloomy and even Brits get sick of gloom once in a while. A few minutes later I arrived at the house. I unlocked the door and was surprised when Ashton was the only one home.

"I'm home.." I called out. God I missed this place. Ashton came running to me and wrapped me up in a big hug. "Oh my god, Rose. I've missed you." He was getting teary eyed. "Ash I've missed you too." I said. "Did you dye your hair?" Ashton asked. "No, I swam in a pool that coloured my hair blue. Course I dyed it." I said. "But why blue?" He asked. "That's like asking why you have curly hair." I said.

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