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~Rose's POV~

I got in Calum's car and he shut the door once I was inside. "So uh..where is it that you're taking me, exactly?" I questioned. "You'll see. Just be patient." Calum said. "You know I'm not patient!" I replied. Calum looked at me and winked. I shook my head and laughed. "You're such a dork." I giggled. "Hey.." Calum frowned. "Don't worry, I meant it in the nicest way possible!" I added. "Mhmmm, suuuuurrrreeee..." Cal drug out 'sure'.

"We're here!" Calum said thirty minutes later! "Wow..quite nice.." I said. The place he took me to was a small, little cafe type restaurant. It was secluded, and I hadn't ever heard about it, and I doubt there would be any 5SOS fans there. "I found this place a while back." Calum smiled. "I think I was actually taking a walk with don't remember.." You could tell he was in deep thought just by looking at him. "Shall we go inside?" I asked. "Oh right!" Calum offered his arm and I gladly took it. We walked inside the restaurant, and I was surprised to see that the interior was actually really beautiful. It looked bigger on the inside than it did on the outside.

"Amazing right? The first time I walked in here, I couldn't wrap my mind at the thought of how big this place actually was." The inside looked like it had once been an ice cream parlour cause the walls were a minty green, but that added a certain elegance to the dark cherry wood tables. The two things seemed to contradict themselves, and the end result was very beautiful. We were soon greeted by an average height girl, and she had blonde hair, and she looked to be around 17, maybe 16, but I could be wrong.

"Hello, just the two of you?" She asked. I looked at her name tag and it read 'Hallie'. What an interesting name. "Yes, just the two of us." Calum responded. "Alright, if you would follow me." She grabbed two menus and headed off toward a table. "Is this table okay?" She asked. Calum looked at me, as if he was waiting for approval. I nodded. "Yes, this'll be perfect. Thank you." Calum replied. Since when was Cal so proper?

Calum took a seat, and I sat across from him. Hallie handed us our menus and told us what drinks they have, and what the soup of the day was. She soon left to leave us to decide what we wanted. "Since when had you become so proper?" I asked. "Oh..ya know..since the beginning of time." Calum replied humorously. "Ah, so, what you're telling me is that you're as old as dirt?" I laughed. "Yes, that seems to be it.." Calum looked at me. I smiled and looked back at my menu, still deciding what I wanted.

Hallie came back and took our orders. I decided that I would get whatever Calum was going to get. He usually has good taste. "And what would you like to drink?" Hallie asked. "I would like a vanilla milkshake." I said. "And I will also have a vanilla milkshake." Calum said. "Okay." Hallie wrote down our orders and left.

"I have somewhere else I want to take you." Calum said once we were outside. "Oh, and where would that be?" I asked. "Somewhere special to me." Calum responded. We reached Cal's car and he opened the door for me once again. I got in and he closed it. He then got in and started the car. "Close your eyes. I don't want you to see where we're going." Calum said. I closed my eyes and put one hand over them. I used my other hand to hold Calum's hand.

"Annnndddddd...We're here!" Calum said excitedly. "Can I open my eyes now?" I asked. "No, not yet." I sighed and carefully got out of the car with Calum's assistance. We walked for what seemed like ten minutes. "Okay, now you can open your eyes." Calum removed my hand from my face. I opened my eyes, and gasped. We were what looked like the middle of a forest. We were standing in a clearing, and there was a little stream about three feet away. There were flowers everywhere.

"This is absolutely beautiful!" I gushed. "I always come here when I want to think about things.." Calum titled his head to look at me. "How did you find this?" I asked. "Do you remember that one time I got lost in this forest?" Calum asked. "Yeah.." I replied. "Well when I was aimlessly wandering around, trying to find my way back to you guys, I found this place." I turned around to face him. "It's gorgeous." I whispered as if the slightest sound would destroy everything. I moved closer to Calum and wrapped my arms around his waist.

We stayed still and stood there for the longest time. When it was getting dark Calum said, "We should probably go would be terrible if we got lost.." I sighed. "Yeah.." We slowly made our way back to the car. We both got in the car and Calum drove us home.

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