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~Rose's Pov~

"Michael..I.." I couldn't bring myself to do it. I do love him, but only in a brotherly way. "Rose..Please..I'm begging you. If you say it, I'll come back. I won't tell Calum. I won't do anything." He was still crying. "Michael.." I sighed. "Please." He whispered. "I...I...love you..." He didn't need to know that it was just in a brotherly way. "Lets go home, yeah?" I asked. He nodded his head. I wiped away his tears with my thumb. "C'mon." I whispered. I stood up and helped Michael up. "Rose?" He asked. "Yeah?" "Do you really love Calum?" "Of course I do. I love him with all my heart. He makes me happy and I couldn't live another day without him. He's perfectly imperfect." I said.

"Hey guys, look who I found!" I said as I walked through the door. "You found him?!" Luke looked surprised. "Yeah..he was at a video store..It wasn't that hard.." I said. "Sorry about earlier...I was in shock.." Michael said. "It's fine. We understand." Ashton, Luke, and Calum all said in unison. Seeing as everyone was busy, I went up to my room and changed into this. I heard a knock on my door so I went to open it.

"Calum..what are you doing?" I asked. "I wanna take you somewhere.." He said. "I don't have pants on." I replied. "You look just fine without them, and besides you don't need them where we're going." He smirked. "Calluuummm..." I whined. "Shush." He put a hand over my mouth and picked me up. "Where are we going?" I asked, but his hand was still over my mouth so it came out more like this "Whe a fe goin?". "Somewhere special. It's called 'My bedroom'." I gave him the "are you friggen serious" look. "Aw you look so adorable." He cooed. I gave him another dirty look then licked his hand. "Oh nasty!" He yelled. "Ha! Game set and match, sucka!" Now he was the one that gave me a dirty look.

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