Life Without Rose

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~Ashton's Pov~

To be honest with you, life without Rose sucks. And after she died, we had a funeral for her, and life went on, as it always has. She wouldn't have wanted us to be all mopey and sad, she would've wanted to best for us, and that's what we were going to give her. We were going to be the best version of ourselves we possibly could be. We didn't want to disappoint her. She was the best thing in our lives, besides each other. And she was my sister. I could never forget my sister.

"Guys," I said, "look at all the tweets we've been getting." I scrolled through twitter on my phone. '#SorryForYourLoss5SOS:(' was trending on twitter. "C'mon, we have to do something other than order pizza and sit around on our asses all day. We have to move on at some point, and I'm sorry, but she was my sister, and I'm sad too, but just think of what she would've wanted us to do. She would've wanted us to move on. She wouldn't want us to dwell on her death. That's not what she wanted. She would've wanted us to be the strong men she knows we are." I said.

"Four for you Glenn Coco, you go Glenn Coco." Michael said. "Seriously Michael? Now is not the time. I'm trying to come up with the best motivational speech I can, and you say that." I hid my face in my hands, and shook my head. "Ashton's right, guys. This isn't what she would've wanted." Calum said. "Thank you Calum! Finally someone in this band understands me."

We have a choice in life, to sit back, relax and accept everything that came your way, or make something out of yourself. I've always believed that people were completely ignorant to everything around them, until something dramatic happens to them. This is me finally noticing the world around me. This is now my story. My bands' story. Our story.

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