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~Rose's POV~

*Set to present day*

I lay in bed, trying to rid myself of the dark thoughts that had overcome me when the boys had left for their tour months ago . I would've went with them, had I not broken my left leg. The story behind that is quite long and pointless, to say the least. I had broken it when I fell down the stairs, being the clutz I am. But that's not important. The boys were worried that the fans might hurt me further if I went with them, so they thought it best that I stay at home and do nothing for months.

I heard my phone buzzing on the side table beside me. I picked it up and answered it. "Hello?" I asked groggily. "Hey babe. It's Calum. We're on our way home. Should be in London in a few hours." Calum said. I could hear the smile in his voice, causing me to smile too. "That's nice, Cal." I said. "Aren't you the least bit excited?" Calum asked. "No I am, I really am. I'm just tired and I'm trying to fall asleep. I haven't been sleeping well for a few weeks." I said. "Oh. Why aren't you sleeping?" Calum asked. "I'm in pain. My back hurts. I think it was from when I fell down the stairs. I still have a cast on, btw." I said. "Awww. I'll be home soon and we'll fix that back problem of yours by getting you into a chiropractor." Calum sounded concerned. "Alright." I said.

"Rose? Rooooossssiiieee?" Calum asked. "Wot?" I snapped, trying to swat his hand away. "I'm home baby." Calum cooed. "That's nice." I replied. "You fell asleep on me again." "Mkay." I rolled over so that I had my back to Calum. I patted the spot next to me. "Snuggle." Was the only thing I said and not even a second later Calum was laying next to me, face pressed to mine. "So what've you been up to without us here?" He asked. "Literally nothing. Now stop talking and lets enjoy this moment." I said. He only smiled in response.

A few minutes later, Ash, Michael, and Luke had barged into my room and started dog piling Calum and I. "Oh. I knew our moment wouldn't last." I said. "Did we interrupt something?" Luke asked. "Yes, I was trying to get some sleep." I said. "She hasn't been sleeping well guys." Calum said. "Oh...Why didn't you tell us?" Ash asked. "I didn't want you to worry about me for once. You were on tour and there was nothing you could do about it anyways." I replied.

"So how was tour?" I asked. "It was amazing. Calum was like a little lost puppy, Luke ate all the food, Michael had a song written about him." Ash said. "I heard about that." I said. "So, Michael, tell me..when exactly did you see this...Abigail chick?" I asked. "Oh um...well..." He said. "I see." I replied. "Well..this has been nice and all..but I'm gonna of you..except Calum." I said and pulled Calum closer to me.

"I've missed you, Cal." I whispered. "I've missed you too." He then kissed my nose and I fell asleep.

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