Movies and Cuddling

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~Rose's POV~

Ashton put the movie in and I put my head on Calum's shoulder. I could hear Ashton protesting but I just stuck my tongue out at him. A little while into the movie, Calum grabbed my hand and started playing with it. Like he would hold it, then after a few minutes he would play with my fingers. Which was incredibly cute of him because he wasn't even really focused on the movie anymore. All of his attention was on my hand. He was like a toddler with a 10 second attention span. He really is a child at heart.

When end the movie finished, Calum and I were the only ones awake. Michael and Ashton had fallen asleep when Meg and Hercules first met. And Luke had been asleep from the moment he walked into the living room. "Whatcha wanna do now?" I asked. "Uhm..I dunno..anything you wanna do I s'pose.." Calum responded. "So..if I asked you to give me a back rub, would you do it?" "Um..probably not.."

"Damn, it was worth a try." I giggled. "We could watch Pocahauntas?" He asked. "YES YES OMG YES!" I whisper/shouted excitedly because I didn't wanna wake Ash and Mikey up.

So Calum got up and took Hercules out of the DVD player and put Pocahauntas in. He also got some more popcorn and a blanket for us to share. He was so sweet. His girlfriend will be the luckiest girl on the planet. Guys like Calum are rare and don't come around often. I'm just glad that I have Calum, because if I didn't..well..I'd have a pretty borin life. A day with Calum is always an adventure, he's always full of surprises and so unpredictable. (Is it just me that has Unpredictable playing in their head? Yes? Okay.)

By the time the movie had ended, Calum was half asleep. I gently woke him up. "Caaalllluuummm." I whispered. "Hm?" He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. "You should go to bed. The couch is a very uncomfortable place to fall asleep." I rubbed his arm and got up. "Mhmm. But I don't wanna sleep alone." He whined. "Well then get a stuffed animal to sleep with or something." I said. "Mmm nawh..I'd prefer to sleep with you, rather than a stuffed animal." He winked. "Fine, fine. Alright let's go then." I walked up the stairs and I went into his room. I immediately began to undress. By the time Calum had reached his room, I was already stripped down to my bra and underwear and in his bed, half asleep.

"Wow..that was quick, Rose." Calum breathed. "Yeah, I know. I didn't want you to see me get undressed." I said into the pillow. "Why not? I can still see if I look at you under the covers." He said. "I know. But I didn't want you to watch me cause that would be creepy." I turned around to face him. He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me. I could smell his cologne mixed with sweat. It wasn't all that pleasant, but yet it kinda was. I fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. I didn't have any nightmares that night.

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