Interviews and Advice

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*Quick little A/N before you read, this is 2 years into the future*

~Michael's POV~

We had just finished a tour with One Direction and we arrived at our home a few hours ago. "Ash, you can't fall asleep!" Luke yelled. "Why not?" "Because of jetlag, duh." This was a common thing. Us being jetlagged and having to stay up for a full 24 hours to get back to our normal schedule. "Hey...did you guys know that we have a shit ton of interviews to do now?" Calum asked. I sighed. I hated doing interviews after a big tour like this. It gets annoying really. You hear the same questions repeatedly until someone comes up with some new ones and then those get repeated. It's just one big never ending cycle. You have no idea how many times I've been asked if I'm single or not. The answer is always the same..No. I'm not, nor will I, be in a relationship. Sure, I have a crush on a girl..but she's already taken. And if you haven't figured out who it is, then shame on you.

"Hey Rose..will you get me a water?" Calum asked Rose. "No. You've got two legs that work just fine, you can get it yourself." She answered. "Oh burn." Luke giggled. "Luke did you just...giggle?" I asked. "No...Pfffttt..." What man giggles?! It's unnatural. I sighed and looked back at my phone, trying to occupy myself for a while. "Hey everything okay?" Rose had come over to me. "What? Sorry I didn't hear anything you just said.." "I said, are you okay?" Was I okay? I had no idea. Before I even got to say anything she had pulled me off the couch and dragged me into a room. "What's going on? You can tell me anything. You can tell me something even if it's about me, I want to know..especially if it's about me." She said. Goddamnit. Why did she have to be so caring?

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out so I closed it. She looked at me with this major concern on her face and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss her. "What are you thinking about?" She whispered. "I...I..." I tried to get my thoughts out, but I just simply couldn't. "Hm?" She wrapped her arms around me in a hug and pulled me in. She smelled of Daisy's, which is ironic because her name's Rose. "It's okay, Michael. Whatever you tell me, I will understand. I won't tell anyone else or judge you. I just know that something's off and I want to let you know that I care." Rose sounded almost as if she was going to cry. " girl.." I whispered. "But she doesn't realise it and I'm just a friend to her." Rose didn't say anything. I know that she was thinking of the possibilities, and after a while she let go of me.

"Are you sure that's all?" She knew that there was something more, but didn't want to push it too much. "Yeah." Was all I said before there was an incessant knocking on the door. "Rose? Michael? You two in here?" Calum called. "Yeah. We're just talking." Rose responded. Just talking. To me it was kind of more than that. It's like that feeling you get when you're talking to someone you like but then you can just feel the awkwardness start to seep in. That's what it felt like. Not just talking. "Is Michael okay?" Calum asked. Rose opened the door and went into the hallway, quietly closing the door behind her. I couldn't hear their muffled words, and I didn't really care. All I wanted was to be in Rose's arms again. That felt nice. But Calum had to ruin it. He always ruins everything. If it weren't for Calum, I'd be the one dating her.

I sat down in the middle of the floor and just pondered what it would be like if Rose and I were dating. "Hey.." Rose came in. I looked up at her, then back down at the floor, hoping that she'd get the idea without me having to say anything. She sat down next to me and put an arm around me. "Look, Michael..can I give you a bit of advice?" I nodded. " with this must like her a lot, right?" I nodded again, and Rose continued. "Just be yourself around her...and eventually she'll realise what a great guy you are and boom! You'll have her." I nodded some more. "But she doesn't even realise it yet.." I whispered. "What?" Rose asked. "Nothing." I said and got up off the floor and left the room.

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