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~Ashton's Pov~

"My earliest memory of Rose? Wow.. um..I remember this one time when we went swimming in the ocean when I was about five or six and she was three or four.." The lads and I were doing a twitcam and we were all asked what our earliest memory of Rose was. It was decided that I was to go first since I was her brother.


"Mommy?" I asked. "Yes Ashy?" She responded. "Can we go to the beach?" "Of course we can! I'll ask daddy to stay behind with Rose." "No, mommy. I want Rose to come with!" I objected. "Alright. I'll go tell daddy." She said. I waited on the couch for a few minutes before the three of them came down the stairs. "Ready to go Ashy?" Mom had asked. "Yup!" I said excitedly. And I remember it took us fifteen minutes to get to the beach and I had a fun time with Rose that day. It was a really amazing day.

*End Of Flashback*

"Wow, so you went swimming in the ocean? Weren't you like afraid of the sharks in the water? I know I still am.." Michael said. "Well when you're little, you don't think about things that you don't know. I was told as a small child to never go four feet offshore." I responded. "Wow..interesting.." Luke said. "Well, who's going next?" I asked. "I will!" Calum smiled. "Okay, take us away Cal my pal." I said.

~Calum's Pov~

"Well, my first memory of Rose was when Ashton first joined this band. Like, he came to Michael's house for band practice and he said that his sister had wanted to come, and I was all like 'hey okay that's cool, we'll like have an audience and we'll get feedback on what we need to work on.' And it was cool having her watch us play. And I remember when she walked into the room, God, I swear I fell in love. She was so gorgeous, it was hard to believe that she was real!" I smiled, remembering the memory.

~Michael's Pov~

"Okay, I'm going next." I said. They all looked at me, waiting to hear my first memory of Rose. It was when I met Ashton for the first time. I first saw him walking around school and his sister was trailing behind him, looking like a lost puppy. She looked so cute. "Well, it was when I saw Ashton for the first time in school, and Rose was trailing behind him like a lost puppy. And Calum forgive me, but she looked so cute. I wanted to hug her. Badly." I looked at Calum and he was giving me the death glare. "Anyways, I introduced myself to her and we sorta became friends. Little did I know that I would join a band with her brother." Ashton aw'ed and gave me a side hug. I smiled and looked apologetically at Calum.

~Luke's Pov~

"Okay, I guess I'll go last. Thanks a lot, weenies." I glared at them. "Okay, so my first memory of Rose was when we had our first band practice, so I'm kinda going off Calum. But it'll be different, cause it's in my point of view." I paused for effect. "I remember the both of them walking into Michael's house, and we practiced and Rose said we sucked, and that we needed more practice. I couldn't have agreed more with her at that point. We were pretty shitty then. But we've improved since then and she's been there every step of the way, making sure we all practice for at least an hour each day. But now that she's gone, I guess we'll have to make a schedule for ourselves, so we don't go back to being that shitty band again.."

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