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~Rose's POV~

"Cal?" I asked. "Hm?" He murmured into my hair. "We have to get up now.." I said. "But why?" He asked. "It's not like anyone's planning on seeing us today..I mean since we moved out and got a house and everything..." He added. "Yeah..but I wanna go exploring today..check out the new neighbourhood and whatnot..maybe go out to eat somewhere..I just wanna do something..something other than lay in bed all day..we've been doing that enough the past week."

I could tell that Calum was pondering this, for he was silent for a moment. "Alright." He replied. "YAY!" I was filled with joy. Calum smiled, realizing that my happiness was because of him. I got out of bed and got ready. The finished product looked something like this.

"I'm ready." I said as I walked out of the bathroom. "You look nice love." Calum complimented me. "Why thank you." I smiled. "Where exactly are we going first?" Calum asked, grabbing his car keys off the counter. "We're not driving, Calum..." I said. "We have to walk there otherwise it's not the same." I added. "Ugh fine." Calum pouted. "Just so you know, I don't like walking." "I know boo..but it's good for you and we both need the exercise.." I said and grabbed his hand.

After an hour of walking around in the city and going into little shops, we finally found a nice little restaurant. It was really vintage looking. "You wanna know something?" Calum asked. "Hm?" I replied. "I've actually really enjoyed today. It was nice going out and doing something." Calum said. "I really enjoyed today too. I'm glad we get to spend time together like this. It makes me happy." I said. "Yeah. I'm glad that we're together." Calum said, swinging our hands as we walked into the restaurant.

"Hi, just the two of you?" The hostess asked. "Mhm." Calum nodded and the hostess led us to a table. We sat down opposite each other. "I'm Victoria and I'll be waitress today. Can I start you off with some drinks?" Victoria asked. "I'll have a water." I said. "And I'll have a strawberry milkshake." Calum said. "Okay, I'll be right back with those." Victoria said and walked off. "She's pretty." I said. "Yeah..I guess..I know a girl that's prettier." He replied. "Oh, and who would that be?" I smirked. "My mum." Calum said in his serious voice. "I agree. Your mum is very beautiful." I said. "Nah, I'm joking. Not really, but you're one of the prettiest girls I know. Besides my mum." He added. "Well, I'm glad it's me and not someone else, otherwise we might have a problem."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, both of us looking over the menu. Victoria came back and we both ordered our food. "So um..." I started. "Hm?" Calum asked, full attention on me. "Sorry..I don't know where I was going with that.." I replied. Our food came quickly and we ate in silence. "Is everything okay?" Calum asked. "What?" I asked. "Are you okay love?" "I'm not really feeling too good..." I replied. "Lets go home then, yeah?" I nodded. "Okay. Come here baby." Calum said and held me. He ended up giving me a piggyback ride back to the house.

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