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~Fan's POV~

"Ahhh, you're finally awake! Nice to meet you Rose!" I said. "Who are you? Where am I? Why can't I see you?" "Enough with questions already, damn. I'm Meghan, and you're at my super secret place where no one will ever find you. And the reason you can't see me is because I'm not out of the shadows yet. I don't think you're prepared for me yet. All in due time love." I smiled, even though she couldn't see me. "Why am I here?" "Why darling! You're here because I want Calum Hood's child!" I could see the look of pure horror flash across her pretty face. "Now, I know what you're thinking, why would someone kidnap me because they want my kid? And the answer is simple really..I can't have my own, and I know that I could just adopt, but the process takes too long. Besides, Calum is the most attractive man on the planet, and why not have the most attractive kid?" I paused. "So, basically, I'm here to take your unborn child, and once I have that, I'll be done with you, and you can continue with your life, just the way it was before you left." "Does Cal know you're doing this to me?" "Of course not! No one does. For all he knows, you're at a friends house because you're upset with him." "Won't he be worried when I don't return home?" "Obviously, but he won't ever find you..well not until you have the kid, of course, but you know.."

I walked out of the room and went to go disguise myself so that I could get near her. I put on the disguise I was wearing when I kidnapped her. "Ah okay. So I bet you're hungry..right?" She nodded. "Okay good. I brought you some food, it's probably not the best, but it's all that's here." I walked over to her and set the plate of food down and untied her. "Tomorrow we'll get you a bed. But for now, you're stuck with the floor or this chair." I walked away and locked the door.

~Rose's POV~

What the fuck is going on? Why does she want my kid? Why does all the bad shit have to happen to me? I just hope Calum realises that I'm missing and comes to find me and saves me from whatever the fuck this is. My only hope is laying with Calum Thomas Hood.

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