Late Night Cuddles

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~Rose's POV~

Calum finally managed to get us into his bedroom. (A/N it almost sounds like they're trying to get into a club it just me that finds that funny?) He then carefully set me on his bed. "What do you plan on doing to me on this bed whilst I'm not wearing pants?" I asked. "I just wanted to cuddle with you..but if you don't want to then you can make the long journey back to your room alone." He pouted. "I'll stay and cuddle with youuuuuuu!" I smiled and opened my arms. "No." Calum pouted. "Fine then." I said and started to walk out the door. "Goodnight Rose. Love you." Calum said. "Night Calum." I responded and walked back to my room.

~Calum's POV~

Rose walked out of my room and she seemed a little upset. Luke walked in seconds later. "Is it just me or does Rose seem off to you?" I asked. "Uh..well..I guess she does seem a bit odd ever since she got back.." Luke said. "She's just so distant now. She doesn't show me any affection which is weird cause before she was all over me.." I said. "Strange. It's almost as if it's not actually her..Do you know of any hidden birthmarks that Rose had that no one would have known about?" Luke asked. "No..but she has a ticklish spot on her neck that I like to kiss on.." I said. "Perfect! Go to her room, chat her up a bit, then kiss her neck." Luke said. "Brillant." He added.

I walked over to Rose's room and brought my hand up to knock, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. My hand was so shaky. What if she's not Rose, but a Rose imposter? But then again, how would she know those things about Michael that even our band didn't know about him? "Just get this done and over with." I whispered to myself. I found the courage to knock on her door.

~Rose's POV~

There was a surprising knock on my door. "Who the hell even knocks anymore?" I quietly asked myself. I walked over to the door and opened it. "Oh..Calum...Hi." I said. "Rose? Can we talk?" He's gonna break up with me. I just know it. "Um, yeah. Sure." I motioned for him to come into my room. He shut the door behind him. "Uh so what did you want to talk about?" I asked. "Oh uh well I wanted to apologize for earlier. I'm sorry." Calum said. "It's okay." I replied. "C'mon. Lets cuddle." I smiled and went to sit next to him on my bed. He welcomed me with open arms. "I've missed you." I said into his chest. "I've missed you too, Rosey." Rosey. He always called me that when he was trying to be cute.

"Don't try to be cute Cal." I said. "You can't get any cuter than you already are." I added. "We'll see about that." He smirked. He started kissing my ticklish spot on my neck. I burst out laughing. "Calum. Stop. You know that's my ticklish spot!" I squealed. "I know." He gave me a devilish smile and pulled me down onto the bed. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep that night.

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