Death Bed

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~Rose's POV~

I don't remember blacking out, but I do remember what seemed like floating in this seemingly endless darkness. It seemed almost welcoming, but something was telling me not to go into the light. "What light?" I thought. There was no light where I was. There was absolutely nothing. Not even the faintest glimmer of hope, that is if there even was one.

And I remember waking up, from this seemingly endless darkness. I looked around the room I was in, and it was my own, except I was still hooked up to IV's and things that were keeping me alive. "Ashton?" I called out hoarsely. "I'm right here, Rose." Ashton forced out. I looked over to where his voice came from, and his face was stricken with tears, dry and fresh ones. "What's going on?" I asked. "You're dying, Rose." Ashton cried more. "I'm..dying..?" I asked. "Yeah..the doctor said you didn't have much time left..maybe three days at maximum." I felt like my life was just giving way for some evil thing to come and snatch me up.

Calum walked into my room with a glass of water. "This is for you." He held out the glass to me with a shaky hand. "Thank you, Calum." I slowly reached for the glass. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Just dandy. Being told that you are dying and have three days maximum could really make a person want to hold on to every second they get, not knowing when it's going to be their last." I replied. "You've still got sass." Calum muttered. "I never even got to go to the U.S." I sighed.
I looked over at Ashton, and Calum was sitting by him, awkwardly holding Ash. And I instantaneously felt bad, knowing that I couldn't hold my brother, no matter how much I wanted to. So instead, I pulled out a list from underneath my bed, my bucket list, the one that I wouldn't be able to complete within three days. I handed it to Ashton. "What's this?" Ash asked. "My bucket list, and since I won't be able to complete it, I want you to." I said. Ashton started crying again. "Please stop crying, Ash. I'll be okay. Just enjoy every minute you get with me, cause you'll never know when it's going to be your last. We'll see each other again.." I said.

"How are you so calm about all of this?" Ashton asked. "I dunno..I guess dying has this..affect on me.." I responded. "Where are Luke and Michael?" I asked. "They're out on the couch..should I tell them to come in?" Calum asked. "Yeah..I want to as much of all of you as I possibly can." I said. "Okay, I'll go get them." Calum answered and got up. I watched him leave the room. "I don't know how I'll cope when you're gone." Ash said quietly. "Ohmygod Ashton, forget about that already. I don't want you thinking of me dying every second. I'll mange for a few days." I replied. "I'm sorry." Ashton held my hand.

Calum came back with Luke and Michael. "How ya doin' Rose?" Luke asked. "I'm okay..yannow..trying not to die.." I awkwardly laughed. "The doctor is going to be here soon to check up on you.." Michael said. "Damnit." I sighed. "What? You don't like doctors?" Michael asked. "Hell no! They're creepy and scare the shit out of me. Like 'what do you think you're doing with that gloved hand?' Um no thanks." Ashton smiled, causing me to smile, causing Calum, Luke and Michael to smile.

The doorbell rang and Michael went to go get it. He came back with the doctor. "Here she is.." Michael said. "Wow..glad to see you're awake and looking lively." The doctor said. I looked at his name tag and it read "Dr. Speigleman". What a creep. "Well I'm just trying to enjoy my last few days here, with my brother and his bandmates." I sharply replied. Calum looked like he was about to burst with laughter. Anyways, the doctor checked all the machines and then said, "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, looks like you only have a few hours left, rather than three days." Everyone fell silent, and it almost seemed like the machines stopped making noise due to the bad news.

I looked over at Ashton again, and he was tearing up. "Ashton.." I said. He looked at me, then looked down. "I'll just go to my car now.." Dr. Speigleman said and left my room. As soon as he was gone, Calum, Michael, Luke, and Ashton all hugged me. And they all looked like they wanted to cry. "It's okay to cry.." I said. "I don't mind."

~Skipping to Rose's last minutes~

I could feel my lungs slowly shrinking with every breath I took. The boys were taking turns saying their last words to me, because they could sense that I could go at any minute. I was currently with Ashton. He wanted to go last, to be the one in the room when I died. "Ashton.." I croaked out. "I'm gonna let go soon. I want you and the boys in here." I said. Ashton called for the boys to come back into the room. I looked at each of their faces when they walked in. Calum had been crying a lot, same with Luke and Michael.

"I love you boys very much, take care of each other, don't let each other get sad, and don't kill yourselves just to be with me in heaven. I mean it. I will be very upset with you all if you don't get married and have children and live a successful life. " I felt my lungs shrinking more. "And Calum," I said. "It's okay to date other people. I don't want to be the reason you never get married. I especially want you to have children. God, they'd be so cute. Little mini Calum's running all over the place. So Goddamned adorable." I smiled.

"Michael, keep up with the latest styles and don't settle for someone who doesn't like the band, or your random changes in hair colour. Actually, the band thing goes for all of you. I don't want to see this band broken up because of a girl. Or guy. I don't judge." I looked at them all.

"Luke, keep being an awesome guitar player. I have faith in you, and this band. You will accomplish many astonishing things. I can already see it now. Don't settle for someone who doesn't like your lip piercing, and don't change for someone. Stay just the way you are." I could see a few tears falling down his cheeks.

"And Ashton, don't forget about me, your little sister. Don't change for anyone. And I mean ANYONE. Don't ever marry someone with a shitty personality. Have tons of little Irwin's running around, and make sure you tell them stories about us. About the band. Tell them of the extraordinary things you did, and will do." I smiled and squeezed his hand.

"And to all of you, I love you so much, please don't forget that."

I closed my eyes, took a sharp breath in, let it out, opened my eyes, smiled, closed my eyes again for the last time, and took my last breath.

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