Cereal Stealer

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~Rose's Pov~

I woke up the next morning next to Calum. Memories of last night came flooding back to me. We talked. About anything and everything there was to be talked about. I got out of the warm bed and headed to the bathroom. I sighed as locked the bathroom door and turned the shower on. While the water was heating up, I decided to go on twitter. I was looking through my DM's and replying to people when I saw a message from a fan. I clicked on the message and it wasn't really a message, but a suicide note. I tweeted about it and hopped into the shower.

It upsets me when I see that people DM me suicide notes because I'm dating Calum. I opened twitter and tweeted "Just because I'm dating Calum doesn't mean you should kill yourself. There's someone out there for everyone and I believe that if you look hard enough you'll find them. If there's anything that I've learned from Ash and the band, it's that you never give up. No matter how bad things may be." (A/N I know it's over 140 characters, just go with it.) I walked back into my room to find that Calum was gone. Not a surprise. I got dressed (Rose) and went downstairs for breakfast.

I saw the boys in the living room playing Fifa on my way to the kitchen. "Morning Rose!" Calum yelled. "Good morning Calum." I responded. I walked into the kitchen and started looking through the fridge and cupboards. I walked into the living room and stood in front of the tv. "Okay, who ate all of my favourite cereal? I only had one bowl." I looked at all of them. "That's great Rose, now could you move? I'm winning." Ash said. "Fine." I said. I walked to where the tv was plugged in and unplugged it."AWH COME ON I WAS WINNING ROSE! COULDN'T YOU HAVE WAITED TIL AFTER I WON?!" Ash yelled. "My tummy is more important than your stupid fifa game." I said. "This doesn't get plugged back in til one of you fesses up to eating all of my cereal." I added sternly.

"Well it wasn't me. I know better than to eat your cereal." Calum responded. I looked at Luke. He looked the most guilty. "So, Lucas..what did you eat this morning?" I asked. "Not your cereal..." Luke nervously laughed. "Okay..." I said as calmly as possible. "OKAY FINE! It was me." Michael said. "HA! I KNEW ONE OF YOU BOOBS ATE MY CEREAL!" I shouted. "You're gonna have to pay for that." I smirked. "Okay, I'll go get you another box." Michael said. "No, no..You have to be my slave for a week." I said. "What other option do I have?" He asked. "Or else one by one I'll tell your fans on twitter really embarrassing things about you..or possibly one of your biggest secrets.." I challenged. "You wouldn't." "Try me." "FINE! Slave it is." Michael said in defeat. "Your week starts now." I said in triumph.

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