Chapter 5

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Hello my lovelies! I don't know whether you like my little notes but... Anyway.

Generally, I don't plan what I will write. I just write. But lately, I've started planning what my chapters will be about in advance, long story short. I have planned the entire story in a very minimalistic 62 words. It should be good... I hope :D xx This is only a shorty but it's a cutie!

"Are you not staying in bed?" Nathan asked me, it was only about 5 AM not that Nathan or the boys and their girlfriends slept very much, only for about 5 hours. I shook my head, wrapped my blanket around me to keep me nice and warm and sat down on the sofa. How could I sleep when the images from the nightmare just flash through my mind, haunting me... Nathan nodded at me, sat down next to me and crossed his legs. He placed his arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards him. I flinched at his touch and tried to subtly move away from it but it came out as a strong jerk.

"Are you scared of me?" He asked, hurt. I looked away from him and out into the dark morning sky and nodded. He sighed. Suddenly, he reached towards me and grabbed my chin and turned it towards him

"What was your nightmare about?" I stared into his beautiful eyes for a moment before using all my will power to look down at my lap.

"Answer me." He snapped.

"Does it matter?" I whispered, scared that if I spoke louder that I'd provoke him.

"Answer me." He extended the words and said them forcefully. I looked up again and his eyes flared red dangerously as his anger built.

"You." I said looking him dead in the eyes, I was frightened he'd kill me right then and there but... He didn't. The red drained from his eyes and he sighed. 

"Did I...?" He asked as if he was scared for some reason. I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me

"Lili I never would!" He exclaimed, kissing the top of my head

"Not what you were saying last night." I murmured. He pulled away from me quickly

"You heard that?" I nodded again

"You don't understand. It's just... Hard. I am trying though, you know that right?" He asked me. I nodded. 

"You don't believe me." He stated. He's known me my entire life, I should have know that there was no point in lying to him, he'd always know. I am not fine. I am scared. Scared for my life. 

"I know you don't. Lili, I've known this for a while now but... Do you know when you're waiting for that right moment to come but it never does so you either have to just do it or not at all?" 

"Nathan what are you getting at?" I snapped, uncertain and rather inpatient when it came to his procrastination

"Lil, I love you." I made a chocking noise 

"Y-Y-You what?" I exclaimed

"I love you Lili. I have for a long time now. Remember when we were eight and we played truth or dare and they made us kiss? I've loved you ever since." He said, he stared deep into my eyes and my heart flipped but my mind was screaming 'he's your friend' although mainly I was just confused.

"Nathan... I d-don't know what to say r-right now." I muttered.

"You don't have to say anything." He whispered. He leaned forward and kissed my lips lightly. You know how in all the movies and the friends kiss and it's weird and wrong? This wasn't. It was perfect. It felt right. Our bodies fit together perfectly and moved in sync with each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck and didn't let go until I needed to come up for air. 

"I-I'm sorry." Nathan muttered

"Don't be." I laughed, kissing him again. 

"Woah! What did we miss here?" Jay laughed as he emerged from his bed quickly followed by Poala who just wore a long top and had messy but cute bed head that Jay ruffled playfully. 

I smiled again and kissed Nathan on the cheek. Jay gave me a high five and Poala squealed even though she was still half asleep and gave me a big hug. The rest of the boys and their girlfriends emerged, rather annoyed that Poala's squeal had woken them.

"What is happening?" Max asked, rubbing his eyes. 

"Nath and Lili are together!" Jay exclaimed, patting Nath on the shoulder.

"What?" Siva and Tom exclaimed simultaneously although Siva's exclamation was pleased whilst Tom's was furious. 

"What the hell?" Tom shouted, his fangs grew and his eyes changed. Amelia jumped in front of Tom in attempt to calm him down but he threw her across the room and stormed towards Nathan, knocking him to the floor like a bowling pin. 

"Tom!" Amelia shouted, stomping towards him and slapping him across the cheek for throwing her. Tom pulled me up from the chair by the collar of my borrowed pajamas 

"Tom that hurts." I winced. 

"Relationships with humans don't work! You know this!" Tom shouted, his voice bellowing across the bus

"I know!" Nathan said defensively

"Then what are you doing with her?" Tom accused

"I love her!" My heart skipped a beat and despite the ridiculous and dangerous situations I couldn't help but smile as they argued and Amelia pried Tom's hand off of me

"It's not going to work!" Tom huffed

"We'll see about that." Nathan sneered, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek

"I love you." He whispered into my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered back, turning my body so that I was facing him then I planted a kiss onto his lips. The boys all awed apart from Tom who scowled a bit but Amelia kissed him too so he was soon distracted. 

You're Hurting Me From Inside Of My Head- Nathan Sykes vampire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now