Chapter 20

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Helloooo! This is only a shorty but it's a cliffhanger and the next chapter will reveal all! Xx

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Nathan's POV

I knew something was up! As soon as Lili told me she was dark, I had a feeling that something was wrong. I had grown up with Lili and she had been nothing but good, she was never in fights and she never really disliked anyone or rubbed them up the wrong way. Anyway, when she told me not to drink from the cup and whenever someone did it hurt her, I knew something was definitely wrong although I didn't know what and I couldn't figure things out alone. I had slowly walked out of the room whilst Lili was stood next to Lucas. Neither of them would notice I had gone, even if they did they wouldn't know where I had gone to. As soon as I'd left the room, I made a run for it out of the building. I quickly scanned the front of the building with my eyes so that I would know where to come back to then I began to run. Thankfully, I was gifted with speed and not strength (strength was so useless... but don't tell Max or Jay, they'd probably break all the bones in my body... Okay strength isn't entirely useless). With speed, you kind of just visualise where you want to go and then start running, you get there in no time, otherwise I'd be stuck since I had no idea where I was.

It had only taken a moment or so before I faced an all too familiar building. Tom's headquarters: Tom was the head of the light clan in this area, he wasn't a HD but he was one of the oldest vampires so he was put in charge since no HD's had claimed the position. Everyone else was below him but the other boys were in a higher position, previously I was too. We were a relatively large clan, about the same size as Lucas'... Or should I say Lili's?

I approached the front entrance and was stopped by the guard. I suppose although I was previously a member of the clan I was no longer therefore I was a threat and an enemy. Just before I was about to open the door, it flung open and knocked me over. The guard was quick to pin me down and grab my hands behind my back. He dragged me to my feet and pushed me inside.

"Let's take you to Tom." He must have thought that was a threat, he obviously doesn't know who I am. I smirked as I began to navigate my way through the labrynth of corridoors, the guard oblivious as to how I knew my way around. I could tell the guard didn't like my cocky attitude by the way he tried to dig his fingernails into my skin...

We arrived at Tom's office and I suddenly felt a burst of excitement, I hadn't seen the boys in so long! I had missed them a lot too but don't tell them I said that...

"Excuse me Tom, we have an intruder." Tom was sat at his desk reading and didn't even look at the guard when he came in, dragging me behind him. His eyes flickered upwards at the sound of 'intruder' and they settled upon me. He was shocked but he did his best to hide it.

"Thank you, I shall deal with him." Tom declared, much to the alarm of the guard.

"I should really stay-" He began.

"That is quite enough, go now." The guard reluctantly released my arms, I smirked at him then he left.

"Long time no see Parker." I said, smiling. I had missed Tom so much, he had really guided me and I can't remember how many times I had wished he was with me to help me understand things. I looked up at Tom and it was only a matter of seconds before we were hugging. Tom released me then went over and pressed a button under his desk, I knew it would alarm the boys to come to his office.

"We know what Lucas had planned on doing to you. I'm, probably foolishly, putting a lot of trust in you when I ask you this: answer me honestly, are you a spy or some other person out to thwart my clan?" He looked at me warily. I was taken aback, how could he think that I would ever set out to betray him after everything he had done for me?

"Tom! As if!" I explained, confused as the why he even thought me able to do such a thing.

"We know Lucas intended on turning you against us! Nathan be fair with me, think about how it looks!" Then I understood... It must look bad when as far as they knew Lucas had succeeded in turning me then I just turn up.

"I'll explain... But only when the boys get here. I'm not saying it twice, I haven't got time for that." He sighed, I knew he wanted to believe me and I was thankful for that.

It was a matter of minutes before the boys sauntered into the room and did a double take when they noticed me.

"Nathan! What are you doing here?" Jay exclaimed before hurling himself towards me then we all had a group hug. I had missed them all so much, they were like my brothers.

"I escaped. I need your help." I announced, their faces turned from delight to confusion as they pondered what I had said.

"You escaped?" Max asked, emphasising the word since it didn't seem plausible. They knew that I had been imprisoned so really, I shouldn't be here.

"Okay, okay. I'll explain." I said as the hug broke up after a few minutes. I told then that Lucas had begun to starve me in order to bring out my darkness, at that point Tom passed me a bottle filled with blood which I was thankful for since I was beginning to get hungry again. I then went on to say that Lili had been drained and they gasped in horror, even more so when I said that I turned her. I explained about how she was a HD but Tom didn't seem surprised so I imagined that he had a few informants out there, it wouldn't shock me if he did. I then said about how the council had said she was dark and then went on to explain what happened in the ceremony.

"Have any of you heard that happening before? Is that normal?" I asked, everyone but Tom looked confused. I didn't really need any of them to respond since their faces told me everything I needed to know.

"I've read pretty much all of the archives and I've never read that happening before." Jay said, Jay was the archivist here, vampires have a very deep history, some believe they were around before humans. Max was in charge of training up the young ones and helping them develop thier physical abilities where as Siva helped them work on their mental abilities. Tom of course ran the clan, I used to organise things which was probably the least important thing but I was still struggling with cravings so it was a good distraction when we weren't on tour.

"Tom?" I asked, hoping he could enlighten me.

"I... There have whisperings lately and prophesies. I didn't want to believe it but what you're saying just fits in so well with the rumours." He said, all of us looked baffled.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, becoming increasingly more nervous.

"It's the council... They're trying to bring down the dark clans and they're using Lili to do it."

Tadaaa! Sorry it's only short but I wanted it to be a cliffhanger, all will be explained in the next chapter! xx


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