Chapter 27

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Tadaaah! Get ready for proper vampirey things now!

And I realise that I haven't mentioned the girlfriends in a while (sorry girls!) but they will be featured in the next chapter and the one after that. Perhaps the final chapter too!

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1 day later

Nathan's POV

I awoke to the sound of moaning, being in the band since a young age meant that it wasn't an unfamiliar sound to me however this one stuck out. That was because I knew who it came from. Lili and I had slept in the same bed that night, Tom had given her her own room but it was very bare and lacked personality so she decided to join me. Plus, she was still feeling a bit uneasy about the Council and I provided much needed comfort for her.

I rubbed my tired eyes, despite needing very few hours of sleep, I always felt a little bit tired, Tom said he'd never seen a vampire sleep as much as I do. Slowly, whilst stretching my tired and sore muscles, I rolled over to see Lili clutched at her stomach, her face wearing an expression that could only be described as pure pain and agony. I knew that look, I'd worn it myself not so long ago. Panic began to rise inside of me, why now? I fell asleep thinking about what we would do today, maybe we'd go out for a meal or just spend some times together but now any plan was well and truly scrapped. I knew what was to come, I had occasionally helped out new vampires in doing this but things had changed since my blood lust took place. Things were a lot harsher and a lot more painful, all in the effort and hope that the new vampires would emerge better with more control and less need for blood.

"Tom!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. I knew that I should be the one to do this but I didn't have it in my to be the one that would allow her to be in pain. I know that if she begged me for blood then I would cave which defies the whole point of the developed method.

I tucked myself closer towards her, pushed away her arms and began to massage her stomach with my hands, I was well aware that it would do very little to subside any pain that she was feeling but perhaps it might bring her a little bit of comfort.

"Nathan, it hurts!" She moaned against her pillow. I could see immediately that the pillow was tear streaked and rather damp, I would have to move her soon. There was no pain on earth as awful and as painful as if was to become a full vampire. You are aware that you are immensely hungry and until you drink blood the pain you feel in relentless and constant. Even when you do have some blood, the relief it gives you only lasts a few minutes or so. When you are in such a state you say things you don't mean and do things your wouldn't normally do all in the effort to be given more blood.

"I know, I know." I said, as soothingly as I could. I didn't try to say something comforting because lying to her would help no one. I had been in a similar position to her and I knew that the pain was utterly horrendous and unimaginable and the worst thing was, it would not subside for a week. This is unless you drink blood almost constantly throughout which makes the pain die down for a little while but just creates potentially damaging bad habits like I had. The boys had allowed me to have a lot more blood than I should have because they pitied me, they'd all been vampires before joining the band.

Tom wandered in moments later, he was clearly in no rush and was strangely oblivious to everything, he looked tired too which was something I had rarely seen him be. I supposed he had been rather stressed out throughout the whole ordeal and it had taken its tole on him. Although I granted him some downtime since he deserved it, I wished he would focus otherwise Lili would suffer.

"It's started." I told him quickly and immediately his eyes shot open, everything about him was more alert and awake. He took this stage of becoming a vampire very seriously as the leader of the clan, more so than most other leaders, Jay told me once.

You're Hurting Me From Inside Of My Head- Nathan Sykes vampire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now