Chapter 24

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Good news! There was meant to be 29 chapters in total but now there will be 30!

Thank you for 17K, hopefully I can get 20K before the fic ends! xx

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Lili's POV

"Nathan wake up!" I heard a familiar voice hiss to the left of me. My body felt stiff and tired from the events of the previous day and all I wanted was another few hours of uninterrupted sleep.

I squinted my eyes so that the brightness of the room did not hit me immediately and I saw Max leaning over Nathan. I tried to make it seem as if I wasn't awake since they never seem to tell me anything so they may speak more honestly if they didn't know that I was listening.

"What?" Nathan moaned quietly before snuggling back into his covers. Nathan is not and has never been a morning person, if he could do every day, he would sleep until noon.

"Get up." Max ordered, he appeared flustered and stressed. He spoke as if the situation was one of urgency however Nathan was half in the hands of Morpheus (got to love Greek mythology) and partially in reality.

"Come back later." He groaned again, this time he wrapped his pillow around his head in order to block out some of the noise.

Max grabbed the pillow in his hand and yanked it out from underneath Nathan's head so that his head hit the bed. A low growl escaped from Nathan's throat but he did not seen anymore awake than he was before.

"Max leave me alone." He groaned, trying to snuggle underneath the covers and hide behind them. Max growled and yanked the covers off Nathan and ultimately me, my skin forming goosebumps as the cold air hit it.

"Nathan you need to get up right now. There is a... Situation." Max said harshly and slowly.

"What's going on?" I asked, sitting upwards and crossing my arms over my chest. Max's head shot up and his eyes widened in shock and surprise, he opened his mouth to speak but no words were formed.

"Go on then." I said, waiting for a response. At that point, Nathan heaved himself up and leaned against the bed, his eyes looked tired but at least he was awake.

"Right... Lucas is here and he wants to talk to all of us." Max announced, worry was written across his face and he made no effort to conceal his nerves.

"How dare he come here after everything he put us throu-" Nathan began to snarl, he was already getting worked up. I understood, I felt the same way, Lucas had put us through hell. He was the reason why Nathan was forced to become dark, he's the reason why I am a vampire and he's the reason why we were attacked, why shouldn't we resent and hate him?

"Shut up Nathan we don't have time for this." Max snapped, he was clearly as tired as the both of us. Nathan shot him a glare before making a gesture with his head as if to say 'get out' so that he could get changed.

After myself and Nathan awkwardly got changed whilst trying to maintain modesty, we headed towards Tom's office. We could hear raised voices from the opposite end of the corridor and I could immediately tell that Nathan had tensed up. He grabbed my hand and held it tightly as he lead me into Tom's office.

"Lucas." Nathan growled as soon his eyes landed upon him. He strode forward threateningly but I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him backwards, I doubted immediate fighting would help with the situation very much.

Lucas was, at that moment, no real threat to any of us. It appeared that he had been captured upon arrival at the headquarters and secured with ropes and cuffs into a chair in Tom's office. He scowled at Nathan but quickly turned his attention to me and smirked, it was a sort of superior smirk that made me want to punch him in the face, I didn't.

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