Chapter 26

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Not particularly interesting but necessary for the plot to be sort of tied up nicely but at least it's a big one. The rest of the story is a lot less Lucas based and more Nathan/Lili/Tom based. 

Fans of badass Tom are in for a treat!

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Nathan's POV

It didn't take us long to get the Council's headquarters since I had been there before with Lucas, Lili didn't know where she was going because she had passed out the time before. Tom said that he had been there a century or so ago so it wasn't exactly fresh in his mind, the other boys had no idea where to go either. It seemed strange returning back to there under completely different circumstances: last time I was on edge and hungry, I was also filled with uncertainty about Lili's fate but now we knew exactly what we were here for and we were in the position of power this time.

The boys and I were beginning to get hyped up for the fight, we couldn't help it, we loved the adrenaline rush from it and it was one of my favourite pass times. Lili looked at me as if I was insane for getting so antsy and excited to fight but I could tell that she was suppressing the urge to feel the same.

We strode into the Council's headquarters confidently and we were met by no security or defence, it was as of they were expecting no opposition which was an unfortunate frame of mind for them at that moment in time. I constantly kept my eyes on Lucas, I didn't trust him, he'd made my life hell and he'd made Lili suffer. He could be stringing us along for all we knew, I didn't think that Tom should have been so trusting of him and I certainly didn't think that almost obliterating the council was the way forward. However Tom was the leader of my clan and I respected him, well I had to or I'd be left to fend for myself alone without a clan which means that if I do anything wrong, I'd probably be executed on the spot since I had no representative from my clan. Lucas looked shifty to me, or at least nervous although that may be because I was staring him down.

I also kept an eye of Lili. No one had told her yet but within the next few days, the blood lust would kick in and I was scared for her. The boys were brutal with me during my time and they say now that they had been too lenient which makes me feel very nervous about what I would have to do for her. I can remember that week of my life vividly, they locked me in a basement and I was in agony, it felt a million times worse than initially being turned and I didn't think that was possible. They left me alone all week and came in only to give me a measly cup of blood a day. I was possessed by cravings and I said many obscenities to them and tried to hurt them whenever I could. I was dreading this next week.

I was snapped back into reality when we stopped walking in front of the large wooden doors where I left Lili the first time, it was quite nice to be able to go through with this with her next to me so that she knew that she would never be alone again. Everybody began grabbing their weapons and preparing themselves to attack, as far as we knew, the only battle strategy was kill as many as you could but make sure one was left. That was another reason for me not to trust Lucas, I was certain that he'd try to kill them all which was directly against Tom's wishes. I tried to voice my concerns to Tom and the boys but they ignored me and told me to focus but they hadn't seen what Lucas was trying to do to me and Lili, they didn't know what he was like or what he was capable of.

Tom was stood at the front and we formed a sort of pyramid shape behind him: Max and Jay behind him then Lucas, Siva, myself and Lili behind them. Tom turned and gave us a quick nod before shoving the doors open forcefully so that they swung upon and we could all scurry in behind him. For a moment I was afraid that the Council wouldn't be in the room and we would have made a pointless, time consuming journey but thankfully I was mistaken. In the corner of the room sat the Council, I had never seen them before but Lili had tried her best to explain their appearance as best as she could. She said that they were normal enough, wore dull grey cloaks and each of them looked relatively normal, apart from their eyes which made her shake she she described them.

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