Chapter 30

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Lili's POV

I woke to the unfamiliar feeling of Nathan's arm draped over my waist and I couldn't help but smile, so this is what normality felt like. There were no battles to fight or evil forces to defeat, all I had to do was wake up next to the man that I loved. Being careful not to make any big or quick movements, I gently rolled over so that I was facing him. His previously slack arm adjusted itself and pulled me closer to him, I hoped that I hadn't woken him up and thankfully he seemed to be making no effort to awaken himself. I took a moment to study him, the small bags under his eyes that I had noticed yesterday had quickly faded with a good night's sleep, aside from that, he was his regular handsome self. I knew that I was very lucky to even have someone like him in my life at all but to know that someone as sweet as him could love me was simply the best feeling in the world but it was very difficult to believe. I didn't deserve him, he was a better person now than I would ever be and I genuinely couldn't believe that he could get over the things that I said to him so quickly, I probably wouldn't be able to forgive him if the roles were reversed, at least not for a long time.

I would have stayed there for all eternity just watching his sleeping form taking small breaths in and out, his face completely relaxed and his hair growing increasingly more tousled yet not looking messy in the slightest. However I recalled that Tom had spoken to me yesterday before he went to send Nathan in and told me to go to see him the following day so that we could talk about an issue. I wasn't entirely sure what he was going to say, I had assumed that all the problems were resolved now although looking back it seemed glaringly obvious what the issue was.

I carefully lifted Nathan's arm up and he sleepily pulled his arm towards himself and cuddled into the blanket which was possibly the cutest thing ever. I decided not to shower until later on in the morning so not to wake up Nathan so I just threw on some leggings and a hoodie with some trainers, my hair was a mess but it hardly mattered since it was only Tom and it was very early in the morning, no one else should be awake. I really needed to get out of the room so I tied my hair up because I was conscious of it being in such a state and it would distract me especially if I thought Tom was looking at it. I walked down the corridor to Tom's office, I wasn't sure of he'd be in there already but if he wasn't I'd either wait in his office or wait outside of it depending on whether he locked the door or not.

Tom's blinds were drawn but I could see fragments of light escaping through the gaps, I was tired and my brain was a little bit scrambled so I just barged into the room without knocking. I had expected to see Tom at his desk already reading through incredibly dull and boring paperwork, I did not expect to see Tom caught up in a heated make out session with Amelia. Tom was sat on his desk and Amelia was sat on his lap with her legs wrapped around his waist. They didn't appear to have noticed my existence as she pushed her fingers through his hair and he placed his hands on the backs of her upper thighs. It was rather awkward to watch as you can imagine and I really didn't want to see if things got taken any further so I cleared my throat. For a moment, neither of them moved but after Tom detached himself for long enough to notice that they weren't alone, they sprang apart and began smoothing down their clothes and hair.

"Do you guys normally wake up this early just to get some saliva exchanged?" I asked them, I almost surprised myself with my sudden spurt of confidence. I had to suppress a smirk as both of them blushed and looked anywhere in the room but at each other, they were clearly tremendously embarrassed that I had caught them. It did seem a bit bizarre that they would both be up so early in the morning just so that they could kiss, unless they were originally doing something else and got drastically side tracked.

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