Chapter 15

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Ello! As you know I am incapable of writing any erm... racy scenes so this is dedicated to @writingtwfanfic for writing an amazing short scene in here for me, so thank you! P.S check out her fanfics: Dark is one of my all time faves.


Lili's POV:

I don't know how long it had been before I regained consciousness. I only did so when I felt something being poured down my throat, at first it did nothing but then I felt so much energy course through my veins and then the irrepressible desire for more... But of what? My eyes still felt heavy though so I kept them shut. It felt as though I was moving somehow and I felt warm on one side, under my legs and across my shoulders. I finally opened my eyes just a small amount and saw that Nathan was carrying me but for some reason I shut them again before he knew I was awake.

"Should she wake up soon?" Nathan spoke, his voice nervous yet strong and comforting surprisingly.

"She has got blood in her system. She should be up any minute." Lucas said bluntly, there was no trace of care in his voice, just some self centred nerves. So that's what woke me up... Blood. Since the start I'd always thought that when it came to this moment that I'd be repulsed but right now with my head foggy and tired I couldn't care less.

"Won't she go loco crazy because of that?" Nathan asked, there was an edge to his voice, almost as if he was jealous for some reason.

"Nah. I've got plenty here for her if she does happen to want it, plus all that stuff about new borns being out of control is a myth. Turns out they're actually hesitant and the craving for blood doesn't kick in for about another week which is strange really since her body already wants it, I mean she passed out from hunger already. But she'll be fine although you I am not so sure about." He said. I felt Nathan take a sharp intake of breathe beside me and tightened his grip on me as if he was holding himself back.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He said, it coming out in a low growl.

"It means you are starving and seeing her getting blood and not you might push you over the edge. Listen Nathan, I'm not an awful person and I'm certainly not suicidal. She's a HD and I don't want to get in her way and she will go where she wants and chances are she'll want to take you with her." I could hear the resignation in his voice and I was very confused by it all, why is he suddenly being so civil?

"What are you saying?" Nathan asked, curious but furious. (hehe)

"I'm saying that I might not get to keep you so you may as well drink some blood. If she's light then you will have to be too so I'm not starving you anymore." He said, his voice full of amusement for some reason.

"Are you serious?" Nathan asked, getting excited but also still suspicious. He had a reason to be too, why should Lucas suddenly be on his side after all that he had put him through? Surely there was some kind of catch to this deal but I could tell Nathan was gone. He was starving and if someone was offering him blood he would not turn it down unless the consequences were fatal.

"Deadly. Go on." I heard something being thrown towards Nathan and he struggled to hold me with one arm and catch whatever it was with the other. I heard the sound of plastic being ripped and then I felt Nathan swallowing. I heard him groan with happiness and it made me happy too just by hearing him.

"Like I was saying she should be up soon... Or maybe she already is?" Lucas said. I mentally slapped myself for getting found out, I was confused enough as it is and apparently neither of them aren't fans of telling me anything and if I had to eavesdrop to figure things out then I am fine with that.

"Lili? Are you awake?" Nathan asked, confused. I could feel his gaze on my but kept my eyes closed.

"No?" I said weakly, it coming out as more of a question than a statement.

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