Chapter 22

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This is my update for Friday but early because on Friday I will be going to see The Wanted (OHMYFREAKINGGODI'MEXCITEDOHMYGOD) and I will be on The Duke Of Edinburgh award camping trip all weekend and cannot update then (OHMYGODIT'SGOINGTOBESOBORINGIHATEITUGHMYMUMISMAKINGMEDOITGRRR) 

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Lili's POV:

I woke up and found myself back in the bedroom I was in before, correction: my bedroom, it's too lovely, I couldn't quite believe it's mine. Then again, I couldn't believe any of this had happened.

My head still hurt from the ceremony earlier and my heart ached almost, it didn't feel normal but then again what has been normal about being a vampire? Something didn't feel right so I decided that I would ask Nathan, even if he didn't know it would be nice to spend some time together. It felt like lately we'd been so caught up in this whirlwind of a journey, we had hardly had any time as a couple. I was still adjusting the the fact that he was no long just my best friend, it felt so right being with him romantically but the problem was, I was never with him.

"Nathan?" I asked quietly, the room felt too big to speak loudly. I remembered not seeing him before I passed out earlier but surely he was here. I wandered around the room in search of him but I had no luck... He wouldn't have left me, would he? I knew he found the situation uncomfortable and I know he would much prefer that he was with the boys rather than Lucas but he wouldn't abandon me... Again. Or maybe he would, I didn't know.

I sat on the edge of my bed and sighed, placing my head in my hands. I'd never felt more alone and confused, well apart from when Nathan left me the first time around. I still haven't really gotten over it, I know I should have considering that he left us to protect us but a part of me cannot forgive him for abandoning us and not saying why.

"Nathan!" I shouted since he clearly hadn't heard me the first time that I had spoken, that was if he was even here. There was no reply which was expected... I could feel the nerves beginning to surface, I wasn't too nervous since it had only been a short amount of time and he could be doing anything.

I ran over to the large double doors and threw them open. Stood outside the door was a man who seemed to me to be a guard of my room. His eyes widened slightly when he saw me and it was evident that he was attempting to suppress a smirk. I had no idea why until I looked down at myself, I was still in the highly revealing outfit from the ceremony earlier. I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to make myself seem more confident than I was in hope that he would take me more seriously.

"Have you seen Nathan? Has he come back to the room since the ceremony?" I asked frantically and the guard looked at me with confusion and little sympathy. I immediately regretted speaking, as the new clan leader I had hoped to initially give off a calm, cool and collected demeanor but it seems like that ship had sailed already.

"He has not been back, it seems like no one has seen him. There was an unplanned exit from the building half way through the ceremony." The guard explained and I could feel the panic and hysteria rising inside of me... Had Nathan really gone?

"If... If Nathan isn't bound to me and the clan, can he still be here?" I asked. The thought hadn't crossed my mind before and I thought it best to ask now rather than later. I didn't even want to think about what would happen if he wasn't allowed to be here, what could I do?

"If you want him to be then he will stay." He announced before I turned on my heels and headed back into my room. At least I knew he hadn't left because he was forced to. That settled some of my nerves but I was still ridiculously nervous and scared. I was happy to know that he hadn't been made to leave but that still left the question as to where he is and why he went there.

You're Hurting Me From Inside Of My Head- Nathan Sykes vampire fanficWhere stories live. Discover now