Chapter 25

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Thank you sooo much for 18K! 

Ugh doing DofE this weekend and can I be bothered? No I cannot. I swear it hates me like everything that could go wrong has for me, excuse me Duke Of Edinburgh, what did I ever do to you?

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"Really? We're going to kill the council?" Lucas asked, he sounded genuinely astounded and shocked. So was I to be honest, I didn't know what answer I had expected Tom to come back with but I didn't expect him to agree with Lucas. I personally didn't mind the idea, it meant that other HD's could be identified but it meant that there was no council to go against any side which was much better than before. 

"No we're going to kill all of the council apart from one. Do you understand? We save one. And if you happen to kill all of them then I kill you, capiche?" Tom said in a harsh tone, the fact that he was holding a small dagger between his fingers didn't really make him seem less threatening but I guess that was the point.

"Got it." Lucas replied quickly. I almost found it enjoyable to watch him squirm and be scared for once instead of him being the one who got to terrify others. I'd spent to long being afraid of him when he took me so it was nice to watch him be humanised and see that he actually has a bigger emotional range than a teaspoon.

"Get your stuff together boys-" Tom began but I stopped him midway and cleared my throat. If any of the boys thought that I wouldn't be going then they were mistaken, this was my fight just as much, if not more, as their's.

"-And Lili." Tom finished once he had realised his blunder. As soon as Tom said it, Nathan (who had been leaning again the wall) straightened up and walked forward so that he was more included in the conversation. His eyes had widened and I could tell that the anger and willingness to fight was brewing inside of him.

"Lili isn't going." Nathan said matter-of-factly, he almost seemed confused as to why Tom even mentioned it. I was outraged, how dare he think that he could make my decisions for me?

"Excuse me, Lili is right here and she's going." I replied, I stepped in front of him which meant that he couldn't avoid me. And worse still, he spoke about it as if I wasn't in the room and I wasn't part of the decision making. 

"No you're not! It's really dangerous and you're untrained. No chance, you are not going." Nathan was attempting to be firm with me but it only made me more angry. I felt like he didn't trust me, I was practically stronger than him already and I'd already proved that I could handle myself yesterday.

"You don't get to make my decisions for me. I am not some girl that you can boss around, I've got a brain and I'm going to use it. I'm going." I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest. Whilst we were talking/shouting, we had shuffled closer together so that when I crossed my arms, they brushed against Nathan's chest.

"Ooh Nathan and Lili are having a domestic!" Max exclaimed dramatically, his hands scrunched into fists and he brought them up to his face like he couldn't handle the situation. All the boys apart from Nathan burst out laughing, they clearly thought that our fight was amusing. Although I did want to laugh at Max too, I contained my laughter since it would only provoke Nathan further.  

"Shut up Max!" Shouted an exasperated Nathan, he sounded like a little kid who wasn't getting what they wanted. 

"Don't shout at Max!" I angrily replied, it was clear that he was just angry at me but taking his anger out on Max which was out of order since he hadn't done anything wrong or worth shouting at. 

"Don't shout at me!" Nathan moaned. He clearly didn't like arguments (probably because he always loses) but it was his fault, he started it! I knew we were acting like children but me and Nathan had always argued about stupid things, we liked to wind each other up so we had a lot of fights as kids. They were never big fights or ones where either of us could be really offended and one of us, generally Nathan, would make a nice gesture to fix our friendship. Also, since we were in a relationship now, I predicted that our arguments would be even more frequent but that was okay, making it up to each other was one of the best parts. 

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